Chapter 2

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A/N : Okay, so all I've done is correct the SPaG (as much as I can see anyway, proof reading is hard!) and made it a little easier to read in places (I trained myself years ago to write things like 'it is' because of English essays, now I have to write 'it's' for the sake of fluidity. It's doing my brain in!!!!!). I also added to the mental conversation Percy has with his dad to make Percy's reaction a little more believable. I may still go back and change it, I'm not quite happy with it and I don't know why. My head is telling me something is missing but I can't see it. Ugh!!!! This is so frustration. If you can help, I'll welcome it with open arms and a virtual (social distancing approved) hug. 

Percy's POV

I walked to the beach, still ignoring the bowing campers, stepped into the water and, me being, well, me, I stayed dry.

"Okay dad, I'm ready," I stated quietly still not ready to accept what I'm ready for. Time for my consolation prize. A moment later I appeared in the throne room facing Zeus; my father was to my right and the other gods were around me in their seats. I refused to bow. It was because of them that Anna... she was dead.

"Perseus..." Zeus started, making me interrupt automatically.

"It's Percy," I told him making him glare. I just glared right back making him and those who could see flinch. I would have laughed but recently doing that has been a struggle.

"Percy," He growled. "We have decided not to kill you, but you are too powerful. Therefore I am making you immortal whether you like it or not in order for you to be able to help us. We cannot interfere with demigods, but obviously you can. By making you immortal, you are bound by the decisions of the council; this will remove the threat you pose. However, we don't want you to be bound by the ancient laws. Therefore, you will not be a god. The only difference now is that, unless you are killed, you can't die. It's a lot like the hunters of Artemis." I heard Artemis snort but Zeus ignored her. "We need to stay in touch with you though, so, although you are not a god, you can communicate with people telepathically, although you can only speak to us if we let you. I know these gifts are the last things you want but we can't let you die. As much as I hate to admit it, we need you. As a concession, you may have two wishes." He concluded, satisfied with his speech.

I was angry, but I knew I could do nothing. If I fought them on this, they may block my path to Elysium and I'll never be able to see her again. At least I could still be killed, although I had a feeling I'd never see Annabeth again if I decided to be killed on purpose. Maybe... would they let me visit her? 

"I take it you won't resurrect my friends?" I asked looking up at Zeus who nodded. "I would like to be able to visit my friends in Elysium."

"I suppose I can grant you that wish. You are allowed to spend the maximum of 1 hour with them a week, don't ask for more," He grumbled and glanced at Hades who nodded.

"Secondly, I would like you to create a way to easily get from one camp to the other. Additionally, I hope this war has shown you the error in distancing yourself from your children. So from now on I want that law to be abolished." I concluded. If I couldn't distance myself from the gods I at least wanted them to visit their children so young demigods don't feel rejected. We don't need another case like Luke. He was definitely a pain and a half and I do NOT want to have to stop another Kronos uprising.

Zeus nodded, "Yes I agree, that law is ancient and times have changed. From now on the law to prevent gods visiting their children is abolished. We will also find a way to build a portal leading from one camp to the next. That will be all Percy."

With that he got up and left, the other gods following suit. My father got up and walked over to me, shrinking back to human size on the way.

"Father, do you mind sending me home. I would like to see my mum and Paul now that the war is over. I can't go back to camp right now, too many memories." I told him quietly. There where too many reminders of her there.

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