Chapter 15

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Tony's POV

"How much do you know about Greek gods?" My nephew asked confusing me. What has that got to do with anything?

"We know the basics, there are 12 Olympians. Zeus is the king and he has two brothers Poseidon and Hades." Natasha said quickly wanting Percy to explain.

"I will accept that although it is a lot more complicated. Anyway, they exist." Percy said

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" I said interrupting Percy but shut up when he, and everyone else in the room, shot me a glare.

"Anyway, as I was saying, remember how in the myths it was said how they would come down to earth and... um... hook up, yeah hook up, with humans and have kids? Well that still goes on today. The kids were called demi..." Percy was saying before he got cut off by a strange kid dressed in black who stepped out of the shadows and punched Percy in the gut sending him across the room. (I had to. Sorry! I like Percy getting interrupted, it's funny )

"JARVIS, where did the kid come from?" I asked my AI jumping to my feet to help.

"It seems he just walked out of the shadows, Sir." JARVIS replied before the kid started yelling.

Percy's POV

"PERSEUS JACKSON! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING ON! YOU SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE NIGHTMARES OR WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW! I DESERVE TO KNOW!" Nico yelled walking over to me, picking me up, well trying to instead he ended up roughly pushing me, and slamming me into the wall. I could have easily fought him off but I knew I was the one in the wrong.

"Good to see you too Neeks. It's been... what? A day, since you last saw me and did this?" I laughed trying to diffuse the situation.

"You should have told me! We only have each other and..." Nico started angrily but slowly got sadder. 

"We'll be okay Neeks," I said easily removing his arms pushing me against the wall and pulling him into a hug. I felt him struggle under me trying to be mad but eventually he stopped and just let me comfort him. After a minute I heard a sniff and he pulled away looking up at me as if he were holding back tears. Nico may seem really tough, emo, and scary but who could blame him for getting emotional. He was still so young and been through so much. "I will come back to camp soon and explain things properly." I said softly. I know what you're thinking, the big tough guy who has been tortured and has PTSD is a softy. I have a soft spot for Nico that was showing itself now for him more than ever. My mind wondered back to what Annabeth had said but before I could think too deeply into it Nico spoke.

"I'm going back to camp. Ummm... sorry for interrupting." He said slightly awkwardly but before he could step into the shadows I caught him.

"I could probably use your help. I'm trying to explain things to..." I said gesturing at the others. I looked at Nico quietly imploring he stay. I knew what I was going to have to do and I needed the support. After a moment he nodded and looked down. 

"Sure, but you owe me. I'll be back in a minute I need to sort myself out." Nico said looking down, almost looking ashamed. He quickly turned around and walked into the shadows.

"Woah! Where did that kid come from? And where did he go?" Tony asked looking confused. 

"That was my cousin Nico. He came out of the shadows and he walked back into the shadows," I stated obviously. 

"Yes, but how the fuck..." Tony started to say before both Steve and I interrupted him. 


"Did he get into the shadows to step out of in the first place?" Tony finished off fuming. 

"If you calm down then I can answer. Now let's all sit down." I said getting annoyed. This wouldn't be too hard to explain but if they keep interrupting this could take all year. They all sat down again, well Thor never stood up, and I thought about what to say next. "I have asked Nico to help me explain things but I don't know how long he will be so I might as well continue with the basics. If anyone interrupts then I won't bother. Now, where was I? Yeah, so the offspring of both a human and a god is called a demigod. I fall into that category. It may sound awesome but really... it isn't. All it means is that you are constantly hunted by monster because they can smell you and know you are a demigod, not even mentioning the fact that you get lumbered with the gods dirty work..." Thunder rumbled outside and everyone looked at Thor.

"Not me," Thor said before I looked up at the sky and yelled, "You know it's true, just like you know how much of a drama queen you are!" The sky thundered again but I just rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath, "Stalkers,". Another rumble in the sky followed but it seemed slightly quieter than before. "We are also either the main causes of war, or we are forced to fight in a war to save the world from monsters, primordial gods or titans. You know world War 2? Well... let's just say that Hitler was a son of Hades. Anyway, from roughly the age of 12 we start attracting the monsters and one way or another we end up finding out about our heritage. Either by dying and being told in the underworld, or because we managed to make it to camp where we are safe. At camp we learn how to fight and defend ourselves and sometimes we have to go on quests for the gods. When that happens, one person gets given a prophecy then that person and two people of their choice go and fulfil it." I concluded and looked around at everyone.

"So, have you ever been a part of any prophesies?" Nate asked causing me to laugh. 

"I have been the main subject in many, and a part in so many more. I will show you later but I want to wait for Nico before I start. Let's get the other questions out of the way first." I answered then waited for the next one.

"You said you have a godly parent. Who is it?" Clint asked curiously.

"Well, my father is Poseidon. Chiron was really dramatic when he told me. Literally everyone knelt in front of me and Chiron, who is my mentor said, 'Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson Son of the Sea God'" I said putting on my best Chiron voice. "It was kind of embarrassing because I thought I had done something wrong." 

"Prove it!" Tony yelled smugly. He thought I was lying. 

"All in due course although you did see one of my scarier powers earlier outside," I said smiling back. I wanted to get the questions out of the way first before I showed them what else I could do.

"So is that your full title? Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon." Natasha asked. 

"No, I don't like to say my full title because it's too long so I will only say it once. Okay?" I told everyone before clearing my throat. 

"I am Perseus Jackson,  son of Poseidon. Saviour and Hero of Olympus, ex-Praetor of New Rome, retriever of the lightning bolt, helm of darkness, and the golden fleece,  withstander of the curse of Atlas, survivor and explorer of the labyrinth, survivor of the river Styx, ex-bearer of the curse of Achilles, freer of Thanatos, survivor of Tartarus," I flinched at the memory but continued, "Defeater of Kronos, Gaea, Polybotes, the Minotaur thrice, the Furies, most to all greek monsters and some Giants, defeater of Ares, immortal hero of the gods."

"Immortal?" Tony asked and I sighed.

"Kind of. I won't age and I can't commit suicide, not that I ever would because Annabeth would be disappointed, well I tried but don't worry I came to my senses, also I'm needed. However, I can die in combat, of course for all I know this could take a thousand years." I said sadly. They all looked at me sympathetically. 

I looked up at them, "Anyway, that is my title but you probably don't understand it. You will when Nico shows up. Now, Nico is my younger... kind of cousin. It is a long story which you will come to understand. He is the son of Hades and he is all I have left. After the last war..." My voice broke slightly but I continued, "Many people died, too many died. Most of my friends and... well... um so now it is just Nico and myself. Of course not all of us half bloods died, in fact most of us lived but only because those more experienced sacrificed themselves to keep the younger ones alive a little bit longer. Anyway, Nico should be back soon..." I hadn't even finished my sentence when Nico arrived in the shadows again. 

"Did I miss anything?" Nico asked with a small smile.

"Your right on time. I was just explaining who... well, what we are. Why don't you take a seat." I said kindly to him. He did as I said and sat on the floor a little way to the side out of the way where he knew I would come to join him. Thankfully everyone was already positioned well enough to see so I waved my hand creating mist in front of everyone and a rainbow appeared.

"Oh Iris, Goddess of the rainbow accept my offering." I threw a drachma in and it vanished much to everyone's surprise, except of course Thor's and Nico's, "Show me my life as a Demigod." I knew this was going to hurt me but I couldn't tell them. It was just too much.

The rainbow turned into a screen and showed the Avengers my entire life. I walked over to where Nico was sitting and joined him. I didn't even notice us moving closer together.

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