Chapter 11

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I have only proof read this twice and I was half asleep. So if some sentences don't make sense or if I got my spelling and/or punctuation wrong, please comment.

Natasha's POV

The battle on the screen seemed to go on for ever. We saw all of his friends die and now his girlfriend was being held up in the dirt woman's hand. I called her that because she literally came out of the earth. I couldn't watch, I could tell what was going to happen, I had been a spy long enough to know what this meant. I looked at the others. Tony looked like a little boy with his knees pulled up to his chest and I was surprised to see him actually crying. He had his face in his hands but he was still watching through his fingers. Steve was watching the TV in shock. He had a tear on his face but he had been in a war so he was trained to deal with this. Although this was different, they were all children, well most of them were children. There where a few adults who seemed to grow ever more angry and powerful every time someone was killed. It was like those adults were the children's parent. I shook the idea from my head and looked at the rest of the group. Clint was much like me. He couldn't watch because he knew what came next, although like me he couldn't help but glance at the TV every so often to see what was happening. I looked away from Clint to suddenly hear Percy yell.

"NO, ANNABETH!" Percy half yelled half screamed both in the dream and real life. The only difference was that in real life Percy's voice was almost gone from screaming. I couldn't help but look at the screen to see Annabeth get killed. The dirt woman snapped her neck and threw her on the ground at Percy's feet before she could even finish saying, 'I love you,'.

I heard a half growl half sob behind me and turned quickly to see what it was. It was Bruce. His usual calm demeanour was gone. He looked both angry and sad at what he just saw. In fact, he looked very green. Thor was beside him calming him down. From the look on Thor's face I could tell he had already known what was going to happen because he didn't seem as shaken by it. Although he did look pale and kept glancing at Percy sympathetically.


The noise had stopped.

I looked at Percy to find him awake and looking at us. He glared and we all flinched. We had invaded his privacy and broken his trust. I could definitely understand why he didn't want to tell us, if it was me there I wouldn't want anyone to know. Hell, if it was me I would be dead. Dead from grief and pain and... well the battle. There was no way I would have been able to come out of all of that alive at that age; and it didn't even shown us everything!

Percy stood up and left the room but not before we heard him mutter, "Got to go and see her. Got to see Annabeth." I waited until I was sure Percy was gone before I asked the others about it.

"What does he mean? 'Got to go and see Annabeth.' She's dead. We all just watched her die." I said out loud to no one in particular.

"Trust me Widow who dresses in black. There are ways but I can't tell you them," Thor said sadly.

"What do you mean, there are ways? WAIT! He isn't going to go and kill himself is he?" I said panicking. I stood up ready to run after Percy but stopped when Thor spoke again.

"No, no, no. You misunderstand. He isn't going to kill himself but I cannot elaborate further." He said before walking out sadly.

I sat down on the bed and looked at the others who had seemed to calm down. Clint, being a spy like me, was quite composed but I could tell he was worried about Percy and confused about what he just saw. Tony had stopped crying by now but still had his knees pulled up to his chest and was staring at the screen in horror. I turned to Bruce and was glad to see him slowly coming back to his normal colour. Now he just looked sad... well maybe a little angry.

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