Chapter 12

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Percy's POV

I walked around for a little while, no destination in mind, pondering what to tell them. After a few hours I ended up at Stark towers and had a plan. I wasn't going to tell them the whole truth yet, but maybe a watered down version wouldn't hurt. I walked into the elevator and eventually got to the right floor. The elevator dinged and I walked into the living room. Everyone was there, except Thor, seems like he didn't want to be a part of this awkward moment. They were all looking at me but it was dead silent.

Bruce POV

I couldn't believe what that kid had been through. After we saw Percy's dream we all went to bed exhausted but none of us slept well. After a few hours I woke up screaming after re-watching everything that had happened to Percy in my mind. I wasn't the only one. A few minutes later I heard both Tony's and Natasha's screams and a little while after that Clint did the same. Steve was the only one who didn't scream but he still had the same dream as all of us and was shaken by it. By silent agreement we all walked into the living room knowing we wouldn't be able to sleep and just sat, not talking, in each others presence. A little while later Percy arrived and walked in but froze when he saw us sitting down waiting for him. I looked around and realised the only person who wasn't here was Thor. Strange.

"Hey," He said nonchalantly before coming to lean on the table so we could all see him. I wanted so badly to ask and I could see the others did too. I looked and motioned to Tony to start but he just shook his head. Sighing I looked up at Percy and started to ask what we all wanted to know.

"Perce, what.." I started before Percy cut me off.

"I can't tell you everything yet. I'm not ready and you all broke my trust. I need to be sure I can trust all of you before I tell you exactly what I have been through." He said. I couldn't help myself, I looked down ashamed and so it seemed did everyone else. I truly regretted what we did, if not for invading Percy's privacy then for what we saw. I don't know how Percy got through that and the worst thing is that we don't know how he escaped, how he is still alive, I don't even know if I want to find out.

"You can trust..." Natasha said but stopped when she suddenly realised how stupid her words sounded.

"However, because you are my friends and Tony is my uncle I will give you a brief, watered down, version of my life. But be aware it is not the whole truth because I will have to change bits." Percy said. I didn't know about the others but I couldn't speak. I just nodded looking up into Percy's eyes again but this time it was his turn to look down and shut his eyes as he started to tell us a ruff version of his life.

"When I was 12 this teacher attacked me in school. Only she wasn't really a teacher, she was sent by my uncle to find something that they thought I stole. Lets call him Uncle H. Anyway, she tried to kill me and I defended myself accidently killing her in the prosess. I kept this a secret from my mum because we were going on holiday to a place we hadn't been in ages. Anyway, one of my friends from school turned up because I had kind of run away from him, he was making me nervous, mum asked me what happened so I told her the truth. She immediately thought I wasn't safe so we got in the car and left. We were going to this summer camp where I would be safe and where I would be taught how to fight properly. When we got there however we were attacked again. The guy, who was sent by Uncle H, kidnapped my mum and I killed him for it. I made it into camp with my friend who was unconscious at this point before I blacked out as well. When I came around I learned that my other uncle, lets call him Uncle Z, though I stole something from him as well. Of course at this point I only knew about Uncle Z not Uncle H. Anyway long story short I managed to find their things and return them and I got my mother back as well. I continued going to this camp every summer and I still do now. They train us so we can defend ourselves. What you saw was what happened to me only a little while before I came here. One of the people who hate me managed to capture and torture me. When I escaped with my girl... ex-girlfriend we were forced into a big fight only a few days later I think, its all a blur, and she... died. She died along with most of my friends." He said, only the last bit he whispered.

"It was a little more than a fight," Tony said and I had to agree. It looked like a full blown war.

"As I said, watered down version." He said smiling sadly before getting up and heading into the kitchen.

"What do you think?" I asked to no one in particular.

"He definitely didn't tell us the whole truth but I wouldn't expect him to; not after what we did to him." Natasha said

"One day," I sighed frustrated and headed into the kitchen.

Percy's POV

I left the living room and headed to the kitchen. I was hungry!

I grabbed ingredients off the shelves and started to make blue pancakes. I didn't mean to but by now making them blue was just habit. I had already made a few by the time the others walked in. I gestured for them to sit and after a few minutes there were enough for everyone. I could see Tony itching to ask but I could tell he didn't want to push me. Sighing I thought that I might as well.

"They are blue because my old step-dad, the one who went missing, said there was no such thing as blue food. Ever since then my mum made whatever food she could blue. Eventually it just became a private joke and habit so we kept doing it. Also it makes food look like the ocean." I said smiling and started to eat.

"Didn't you like your stepdad then," Steve asked. He had been so quiet I forgot he was there. My thoughts turned Darhk  (Anyone? No, okay... BTW Arrow is awesome!) at that.

"No, no, I didn't like him at all and neither did mum. We stayed with him for protection against... family. I always thought he stunk so I called him Smelly Gabe and he used to play poker in the living room. He may have been thick but he could smell out money like Nobody's (I'm just going to stop now. Or will I...) business. He... he also used to beat me. When ever my mum wasn't around he would cut me and hit me with his belt or other object he could find, generally if he couldn't be bothered to get his belt he would grab a bear bottle and chuck it at me or hit me with it. He made my childhood a living hell. And the worse thing was that if I told my mum he would hit her as well. I couldn't let that happen so I stayed quiet. When he went missing it was one of the best things that could have happened to us." I finished and ate the rest of my pancakes. By this point the others seemed to realise how traumatising my past was and let the matter drop but I couldn't. I kept thinking about what Gabe did to me. That was a mistake...

(I know this didn't really happen but I like fanfictions where the writer has given Percy a tragic backstory. And how do you know it didn't happen maybe it did and we just don't know.)

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