Chapter 8

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A/N - just SPaG and sentence structure corrected. I still don't like it though. I just want to get this story to the point where I can continue it.

Percy's POV

"Sir, the avengers are coming." JARVIS said waking me. I groaned and quickly swam to the surface. I pulled myself up and sat on the side pulling my trousers up so they weren't in the water and willed myself to get wet. If the Avengers walked in with me swimming fully clothed they would ask questions.

"JARVIS, you can turn the cameras on now." I said now that I looked normal. A minute later the avengers came in. I let them see what I was doing before standing up and walking over.

"Perce, would you mind coming with us?" Steve asked walking forward. What did they want with me?

"Where are we going?" I asked suspiciously, I still didn't trust them.

"You will see," Was all Steve said. I walked past him and headed to the door shrugging.

"Let's go then," I said and let out a dramatic sigh, I wanted to stay in the pool a little longer but oh well. I walked past Bruce and the moment he was behind me I felt a stinging sensation in my neck. I turned to face Bruce to see him holding an injection needle.

"Sorry Perce," He said apologetically. I looked him in the eyes and let him see everything I felt. It was like with that first time with Tony; I got careless and let him see how I felt, who I was, and what I had been through. Just like Tony this guy flinched and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

Tony's POV

Steve bent down and picked him up and look of confusion spread on his face.

"He is so light," He said muttering to himself.

"No shit, Sherlock," I said rolling my eyes. "You are a super soldier."

"Language, and no I mean even you would find him light. Look," He said dumping him in my arms. As Steve said, he weighed next to nothing. Now that I think on it, even though he had been eating it looked strained whenever he did, like he really didn't want to eat but was trying to look normal. I carried him to the holding cell and put him down. The room was all white with a toilet and sink in one corner and a bed in the other, opposite the door. We left the room locking it behind us and got in the lift heading to the living room. Once we got there I collapsed on the sofa and turned on the TV, the others copied my example.

"Well, he is going to hate us. Thanks guys, you really know how to help me make good impressions with family," I stated unhappily.

"Friend Stark, I wouldn't just be worried about him hating you. You should be worried about him annihilating us and destroying building." Thor said darkly. I gulped, he couldn't be that powerful. I mean, yeah he beat us all in battle but surely he didn't have the power to destroy everything. I shook my head and pushed it from my mind.

I watched TV for an hour and decided to check on Percy.

"JARVIS, show me Percy," I said to my AI and a moment later the TV had switched channels and now showed us Percy's cell. He was walking around the room inspecting it, he must have just woken up.

"How is he awake? That injection should have knocked him out for at least a few more hours, if not a day," Bruce exclaimed surprising us all. I shrugged and turned off the TV.

"Let's go and have dinner; then we can send some down to Percy," I said standing up and heading to the kitchen. The others agreed and half an hour later we all had plates of spaghetti and there was a plate for Percy staying warm in the oven until after we had eaten so someone could take it to him. I was just about to start eating when a voice by the door startled me so much I toppled out of my chair.

"Hey guys, that smells nice. Where's my plate?" Percy said, "It's a bit hard to eat from the floor you know." He chuckled after everyone, except from Thor, fell out of their chairs. I glared at Thor who was chuckling as well and stood up.

"In the oven," I stated and sat on the chair to eat. How did that boy get out the room? His door was locked, and double bolted.

Percy's POV

(Time skip back to when Percy was still locked in the room)

I slowly came to and groaned sitting up. What happened?

"JARVIS, where am I, what happened, and how long was I out?" I asked looking around the room. It was quite bare, the only things in the room was a bed, a toilet, and a sink.

"You are in a confinement cell, Dr Banner gave you an injection to knock you out and bring you here, and you were unconscious for approximately an hour, Sir," JARVIS said shocking me. Why would they lock me up? I thought they were my friends. I sighed and stood up walking around the room inspecting it. There wasn't really anything to see, the walls were white, the only things that weren't were the taps, the bed, the door, and now that I was standing up and could look around properly I could see there was a camera which was black. They must have wanted to keep me under observation. That's understandable.

I sighed and walked over to the door, I had an idea. I shut my eyes and concentrated on the water molecules in the air around the bolts coming out of the door into the wall. I pushed the bolts back into the door and opened it by hand. I couldn't let the camera see me open the door without touching it. It swung open easily and I left. I didn't want to ask JARVIS for help because I didn't want him alerting the others I was out. I eventually found the stairs and went up to the living room. They weren't there. I walked into the kitchen to see them all eating spaghetti.

"Hey guys, that smells nice. Where's my plate?" I asked startling them. Everyone fell out of their chair and onto the floor; everyone except Thor that was. "It's a bit hard to eat from the floor you know." I added chuckling along with Thor.

"In the oven," Tony told me after he stood up shooting Thor a glare, I assumed it was because Thor was the only one still standing.

I walked to the oven, got out my food, and sat down to eat.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET OUT!" Natasha and Clint yelled at the same time standing up in unison. Hmmm they would make a cute couple, let's have some fun.

"Aw, you two would make a cute couple. Are you secretly dating?" I asked innocently avoiding the question.

"You didn't answer our question," They both said again in unison and I saw both their cheeks go a bit red. So, they liked each other but they weren't going out yet.

"Admit it, you like each other." I said ginning and shoved a fork full of spaghetti into my mouth.

"Percy, how did you get out? A skinny scrawny weakling like you? There is only one reason you managed to beat us you know. You asked to go against all of us, surely you can understand how we would hold back. Your slightly better than average skills took us by suprised. It won't happen again though, we could take you down in an instant." Natasha said smirking. She was expecting me to get angry and tell them everything, I only laughed.

"It looks as if you have my personality all wrong Natasha. This may come as a shocker but my fatal flaw isn't pride," I said chuckling and I heard Thor chuckling sadly along side me as if he knew exactly what my fatal flaw was. "Let's just say that I am like water. The moment you try to catch me or hold me I'll slip out between your fingers." This made Thor start laughing properly which I was glad for. Technically I didn't lie. In fact, it was the complete truth. They asked me more questions but I was done answering them so I just ate my spaghetti not saying a word.

They all looked pretty pissed at me. Well except Tony and Thor, Tony was just upset he fell off the chair and I think Thor expected me to break out. The others though were a completely different story, Steve was scowling but staying quiet, maybe in thought, Natasha and Clint where both red from my comments and yelling at me trying to find out how I escaped and was it just me or did Bruce look a little green. Eventually they calmed down and after I finished eating I said, "I hope you have all learned your lessons about trying to imprison me. Don't do it again," then I got up and left leaving them shocked.

I went to my bedroom and laid down. I didn't want to fall asleep, I knew that torturous dreams awaited me and I was not eager to relive my past but at night it couldn't be helped. All the pain I had suffered would come back to torture me and there was nothing I could do to help it. I closed my eyes and prayed to the gods that I would have a dreamless sleep. Unfortunately it didn't work.

Percy Jackson meets... the Avengers?Where stories live. Discover now