Chapter 9

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Tony's POV

Percy left the room leaving us shocked. Not only did he escape from the confinement cell, he helped uncover Natasha and Clint's feeling; I knew something was up!

"So, you guys have feelings for each other," I said smirking.

"Seriously Tony, your nephew just escaped from the confinement cell YOU built and all you have to say is how Clint and I might feel towards one another!" Natasha said furiously.

"So you admit it! You do have feelings for him!" I said excitedly. Truth was, I was anxious to know how that boy escaped but I was glad he did. I didn't want to lock him up in the first place.

"You're unbelievable," Natasha muttered as she walked out the door.

"Nat!" Clint said walking after her and I wolf whistled making Clint glare at me.

"So Steve..." I started when a blood curdling scream stopped me in my tracks. It was Percy.

"Must be another nightmare!" Bruce said standing up quickly. "Go and see if he's alright but don't wake him, I think it is time to get some answers," He quickly ran off in the direction of his lab. Steve, Thor, and I all ran to Percy's room, which was on the floor above us, and bumped into Natasha and Clint about to wake him up.

"Stop," I half whispered, half yelled. "Bruce said not to wake him."

I looked down at Percy and he let out another scream, his back arched off the bed and it looked as if... he was in pain, a lot of pain. The screaming seemed to never end, it would only stop while Percy took a breath. I felt useless.

"What is he dreaming of," I thought not realising I had spoken aloud until Thor replied.

"He is reliving some of his most recent memories and it is breaking him." Thor said sadly. What had this kid been through to cause screaming like this? It was like he was being tortured. A second later Bruce burst in dragging some medical equipment and a TV on a wheelie table. He attached some wires to Percy's head and turned on the TV. We all sat on the floor in front of it and waited for it to load.

At first the TV was black but then slowly it started to show us exactly what Percy was going through and I felt the blood leave my face.

Percy's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was back in Tartarus. The room was dark and I couldn't see any lights but somehow I could still see the room and what was going on around me. I tried to get up but this was only a dream so I couldn't move. I had no control over what I did because this was a memory so only past Percy had control. The worst thing was that I knew what was coming. Past Percy looked around after finally realising where he was and it was only then I could see the whole room. In the middle of the room stood a post with chains at the top meant for my wrists, it was a whipping post. On the wall opposite me was a chest of draws and on the wall to my right were more chains coming out of the ceiling, if I were to stand up they could just about go around my wrists. Past Percy tried to walk forward but to no avail it was only then that I noticed I was actually standing up. Looking up I could see that my hands where chained above my head to the ceiling allowing me to only just have my feet on the floor. Looking down I could see I wasn't wearing any clothes, except my boxers, I quickly looked away, my front and legs were littered with cuts and burns from my previous tortures. Past Percy pulled on the cuffs cutting the skin and I winced. Eventually it got to a point where it was like I was in control. I was doing exactly what my past self was doing, the only thing different would probably be the thoughts. I remembered thinking about Annabeth and what she was going through and I tugged on the chains more but all that did was make blood start to drip down my arms.

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