Chapter 3

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A/N : Ahh, a short chapter that I barely had to do anything to. Feels good. I'm starting to see the quality of what I wrote improving, that's a good sign. Maybe this won't be as painful as I though. So yeah, fixed some SPaG, not much else was needed.

Tony's POV

"Sir, it appears you have a call from the police" JARVIS informed me.

I'd been sitting in the kitchen eating lunch when the call came through. "Send it to my mobile," I ordered him and a second later I had my phone out and I was talking to the police.

"Mr Stark, are you aware you had a sister," The voice asked me. Straight to busness then.

"Yes, her name is Sally Jackson," I told her. I wondered what happened to her. I'd never officially met her but, as my family, I've been keeping tabs on her. I don't even think she knew she was adopted but I could never bring myself to tell her. The press would find out and that would be the end of her quiet life.

"I'm afraid she's missing. Her son isn't old enough to live by himself so we were wondering, as his only living relative, you would be willing to take him in." The voice asked. I was surprised. Last time I had checked she was living happily with a guy named Paul.

"Yes, yes. I'll be right there." I informed the... woman? I sighed and hung up.

"JARVIS tell the others where I'm going." I told my AI and walked out the building.


The car pulled up in front of the station and I walked in. Sitting at the front desk was a woman with brown hair and glasses who was looking at a computer and on a bench to my right was a boy. He looked about 17. He had black hair and green eyes I could see from the desk. I asked the women where the boy was and she pointed to the 17 year old sitting on the bench. He didn't look like much but he reminded me of Sally.

The kid must have heard me ask for him because he stood up and walked over.

"It's just Percy," He said quietly.

"Hey kid, I'm your uncle Tony." I said and held up my hand. For the first time, he looked me in the eyes and glared making me flinch. Geez, he made Fury look like a cute little puppy. The worst thing though were his eyes. Even without the glare I would have flinched. His eyes looked so lifeless, so shattered and broken, that they reminded me of Steve - except this kid had it worse. Just looking into his eyes I wanted to give him a hug, tell him he was going to be okay, and yet I wanted to run. I wanted to run far away so I would never look into those eyes again and see how broken this kid was.

"I'm not a kid," He growled ignoring my hand then headed to the door. His tone made me flinch again and I was frozen to the spot but I immediately knew his words were true. This boy wasn't a kid, he was a child forced to grow up too quickly. Why, I had no idea. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and ran to catch up with him. I reached him by the doors and I braced myself knowing what to expect.

Immediately, we were greeted with flashing cameras and news reporters. Jeez don't they have more important things to be doing than stalking me. I glanced at Percy to see he had pulled up his hood and looked pale. Poor kid, he must not be good with this sort of attention. We got in the car and headed back home.

"So, you're Sally's kid. Nice to meet you. You obviously know who I am." I said glancing at him. He looked back with a blank expression.

"Should I?" He asked. Wait, this kid hasn't heard of me. I only what... saved the world from aliens.

"Well, yeah, everyone knows me. I'm Iron Man, I am part of the Avengers and we saved the world. You should be thanking us! If it wasn't for us.. " I stopped and glanced at him. One second, was he laughing?

"You? You saved the world? Don't make me laugh! No, I haven't heard of you or your band of merry men." He said chuckling. Well at least the kid was laughing, I would rather that then be on the receiving end of his glare again or even his broken look, but how dare he laugh at my accomplishments! What has he ever done in his life? Has he ever saved the world?

I sighed and let it go. He's been through a lot, his parents were gone. We eventually pulled up at Stark tower and I showed him in.

"Is this where you live?" He asked and smirked when I saw him looking around in awe.

"Yep," I said simply and walked to the elevator. I turned around and was about to tell the elevator to go up when I saw Percy hesitating to get in.

"You alright?" I asked him. He looked pale; it was as if he were remembering something unpleasant, no, something that terrified him. He seemed to snap out of it when I spoke. He nodded and walked in as if nothing had happened.  I pressed the button and glanced at him from out of the corner of my eye to see him with his eyes shut and shaking. I willed the elevator to go faster and as soon as it arrived at the right level we walked out and Percy seemed just fine again. I looked around to see everyone standing in front of us, including the Asgardian .

"Hey, so this is my nephew Percy..." Before I could finish, Thor had thrown his hammer at us. I just had time to duck but I realised the hammer wasn't heading towards me, it was flying at Percy. Before I could warn him it reached him and he... he caught it; he caught it as easily as he would had it been a ball. How is that even possible? I looked at Thor in shock to see him standing there smiling.

"What..." I started but then stopped in surprise again. Thor had walked forward and knelt in a bow in front of Percy. I was about to question him to ask what on earth was going on when Percy walked forward and looked down at Thor.

"God or demi?" He asked Thor bluntly, in fact he looked slightly annoyed. What on earth was that meant to mean. How did he know Thor was a god when he had never heard of us?

"God, sir," Thor replied stunning me and, now that I looked, stunned everyone else in the room. Why was a god bowing before my nephew. Percy reached down and dragged Thor to his feet shoving the hammer into his chest; none to gently I might add, it knocked the wind out of him.

"Then act like it!" Percy hissed, "And my name is Percy." He turned to me and his tone softened. "Do I have a bedroom? I need some time alone." He asked turning to me.

"Yes, JARVIS direct Percy to one of the empty rooms." I said, making Percy look at me confused but then jumped when a voice replied.

"Yes, Sir."

I noticed Percy reach into his pocket panicked.

"Don't worry, its just a computer system that runs through out the whole tower. JARVIS, stands for Just a Rather Very Intelligent System, I made him." I said trying not to sound too smug. Percy nodded and followed the instructions to his room.

"Thor, what was that?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing friend Stark. Now if you don't mind," He said walking in the direction of Percy's room.

"Am I the only one who thinks that was strange?" I asked Bruce, Steve, Clint, and Natasha. They all nodded and went back off to do their own thing.

"Oh, Tony, I would like to give the boy a check up tomorrow if that's alright with you." Bruce said turning back; I nodded and he left.

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