Chapter 9

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Matt's POV

Today I am planning on asking Lauren to be my girlfriend. I can't wait any longer. She makes me happy. Just hearing her name makes me smile. She isn't like other girls. She can be happy and positive, and other times we can connect on deep levels, which I love. And other times she is really hyper and its funny. The boys and I have only seen her like that one time though. Whenever I hear her voice, i feel butterflies. Whenever she touches me i feel tingly. I am planning to take her to the woods and decorate the place in Christmas lights then ask her to be my girlfriend. I hope she says yes. Today the girls are going to the studio till 3. I am going to have Christina and the girls distract Lauren until 6. I will text them to bring her to the place. The girls will text me when they are there, then I will come out, but make sure she doesn't see me. The girls will bring Lauren to the tunnel (of lights) and leave her there. I will come out and lead her to the end where it will be surrounded by lights. Shawn will play guitar and that's when I will ask her to be my girlfriend. All the guys and the girls will be there too. I hope my plan works. I asked Christina if it is Ok for me to ask her when we were at the beach. Yes I know I am weird, but Christina is very protective of Lauren so I asked her. Christina is fine with it and when I told her the plan she was freaking out. And when she told the other girls, they were screaming. According to what she told me. The boys kept making fun of me and yelling 'OTP' and stuff when I told them.

Lauren's POV

The girls have been acting weird. Ever since this morning, they have been, all smiley. I mean, there is nothing wrong with it but they seem, hyper and jumpy. And its normal for everyone but Christina seems jumpy and hyper too. Which is rare. Huh. Oh well.

We are at the studio right now recording Before October's Gone. I am really excited. Its a really good song, but it isn't my favorite. We are also recording Hearts On Fire. We are very excited. "Lauren! Its your turn to record" yes! We are recording Before October's Gone first then Hearts On Fire.

"Our phone calls got shorter, and the nights they got longer, you stopped replying, and I saw you with her. You tell me you miss me, I feel special for a second, but you turn around and show me, that you didn't mean it.." Once I finished I stepped out of the booth and they did some other stuff. Idk.

Once we finished Before Octobers Gone. We had to record Hearts On Fire. I am really excited to hear this one because Lisa and Christina sound really good. "Lauren. Your turn!" I walked inside the booth and put the head phones on. I waited.. Waiting.. And more waiting... Boom. "He was freedom, he was magic, I was on fire, he was tragic, had walls up, but he broke me down... And the sparks fly all around.... And the sparks fly all around.... ah.... ah...." I waited and waited. With our hearts on fire... Boom "It was just so close its tragic....!" With our hearts on fire, our hearts on fire.... Then I finished. Woohoo! I walked out and they said good job and all that jazz.

Once Dani finished recording, we decided to go home. It was weird because Christina kept checking her phone and Amy kept squealing. Then when I went into my room, everyone followed me. And I mean everyone. That's weird. I laid on my bed and everyone had their own conversation. It was so loud, like to the point where Lisa started singing really loud. I think she posted that on vine. Yeah she did. We were in the room for a long time and I was going to leave the room so I could call Matt because we haven't spoken today but then all the girls followed me which was annoying. It is 6 and they are bugging me!

"Guys! Let's go for a drive." Christina said. Everyone agreed. "Nah I don't want to go. I am going to call Matt since you guys kept bugging me!" I said. "Nooo. You are coming with us." Lisa said. Then they pushed me outside and trapped me in the car. They are honestly acting so weird today. "Guys! Where are we going!" I said. "Idk." Katherine said. It was weird that Lisa is driving. Christina almost always is the one driving. And Christina keeps looking at her phone... Then we got to the woods. What are we doing here? We stopped right in front of a tunnel of lights. Um Ok.

"Guys let's go. They all got out and so did I. The girls were all behind me, which was weird. I walked up to the tunnel and stood there. "Bye Lauren. You will thank us later!" Lisa screamed. "What?!" I said and turned around. They were all in the car. Then they drive off. What the heck! They left me here, in the woods by myself! What?!

I turned around and looked at the tunnel. Then someone grabbed my shoulder. "Ah!!" I turned around and saw Matt. I was so happy to see him right now. He just laughed and led me into the tunnel. Ok. Then when we got to the end, it was a giant space that was covered in lights. Then I started hearing someone play guitar?

"Lauren, I have been wanting to ask you this for a long time. Um.. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and scratched the back of his head. Aww. I started tearing up. I couldn't speak. I just nodded and hugged him. He hugged back. Then I heard cheering. I turned around and saw all the guys here. With my sisters?

"This is why you left me today and was acting weird!" I yelled. "Yup!" Dani said and started cheering. Matt and I got into a car and he drove off. "We are just going to leave them there?" I asked. "They are going to clean up since I set everything up." He said and smiled. "You didn't have to do this for me." I looked at him. "How many times do I have to tell you. I don't have too.-" I cut him off. "But I want too and I chose to." I said. "Exactly." He said. Then we just had a conversation about what we were doing for the week, and some how we talked about my fingers for a little bit. I don't know how we got there. I had an interview tomorrow with my sisters. So, I had to go to my house soon, but I went to the magcon household for a little bit then headed home.

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