Chapter 18

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Lauren's POV

I woke up with the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I got up and checked to see if any of my sisters were in the room. Of course, they are BOTH SLEEPING! I decided to let them be, we had an eventful day yesterday. I went downstairs and I saw dad and my brothers.

"Lauren!" My dad basically yelled.

"Hi dad." I said and laughed.

I said good morning to my brothers and got some waffles. I put the syrup on and got some juice. I finished eating and put my glass away. I went upstairs and saw Dani on her phone and Lisa still sleeping.

"Dani. Get up! there are waffles downstairs.' I said and laid down on my bed.

She got up and went downstairs.

"LISA! There is food downstairs!" I yelled.

"Ugh. Shut up!" She yelled and slowly got up.

She walked out of the room and I went on twitter. I saw a lot of my fans giving Matt hate. I really dislike that my fans are doing this. First of all, this is kind of a private thing, and they shouldn't be saying mean things and sinking down to his level. I was on my phone for about an hour and it was already 1.

"Lauren! Want to go on a walk with us?" Lisa yelled for somewhere.

"Sure!" I yelled back and got up.

I put on a black tank top. Blue denim jeans, and my sneakers. I went into the bathroom and applied some makeup and went downstairs.

"Look! I didn't finish last this time," Lisa yelled.

"Shut up." I said and walked out the door that leads to the garage.

I got my skate board and waited for my sisters to get their things. Once Lisa got her bike, we left the house. We skated around the neighborhood for about, 10 minutes.

"Guys. We should go to this hill by the beach. Its really pretty there." Christina suggested.

We all agreed and followed her. We got to the beach and followed the path to the hill. We hiked to the top and we saw, a girl sitting by the edge, not to close, but close. We walked closer and the girl looked familiar. As we got closer, I heard soft cries. We were about 10 ft away and I realized who it was. It was Brooke.

"Brooke?" I asked.

She turned around and she was crying. I walked up to her.

"Are you Ok? What happened?" I know she kissed my boyfriend but I'm not going to be mean.

"I'm sorry. I really am." She cried.

We sat down and hugged her.

"I was just jealous. Of you. Your perfect. Your beautiful, your smart, your so talented. I just wanted to feel, valuable." She cried.

Oh my gosh.

"You are beautiful, Brooke. You are valuable. Your value never changes. I bet you are an amazing person. You don't have to look a certain way or have a certain thing. You are amazing. You don't have to do anything to be valuable." I said and hugged her.

Seconds later my sisters joined in.

"Thank you Lauren. I really am sorry. About everything. Look, Matt really cares about you. I think he may love you. After you left, he stopped kissing me and looked at me. Shocked. He fell to the floor crying. I tried helping him but he pushed me away. He got up and started yelling at me. Saying that I shouldn't have done what I did. That he truly cares about you, and how he probably lost the best thing that has ever happened to him. Go talk to him Lauren. He needs you." She said.

I looked at my sisters. Everyone looked nervous, except for one. Christina. She caught my gaze and nodded to me. We helped Brooke up and we were just talking. She is actually really nice and chill. She is a great friend. She left and we went back home. We all walked home and I went to my room. I sat on my bed thinking. Should I talk to him? If we get back together... How would the fans react? He could cheat again. But what Brooke said. I think she meant it. She had no idea that we were going there.. I should talk to Christina. I walked to Christina's room and knocked.

"Who is it?" She yelled.

"Its Lauren." I said.

She opened the door and I walked in. Everyone else was downstairs so I was just us.

"So. What's up." She said sitting down.

"Do you think I should talk to Matt?" I asked.

"I think you should. I don't think Matt is that kind of person. At least find out why he did it and then you decide if you want to get back together. Really, its your decision. I personally think it would be Ok based on what happened with Brooke today. " she said.

"What about the fans. Wouldn't they get upset that I went back to a "cheater"." I said.

"If they ask, just say its personal and your relationship shouldn't have to be up front with the public. If you want your relationship private, they should respect that." She said.

"Good idea. I'll talk to him tomorrow." I said

"Thanks Chris." I said.

"No problem."

I walked out and went downstairs. Everyone was starting to get food so I grabbed a plate and sat next to Dani. I got my food and ate in silence. Should I talk to him. I should. I'll talk to him tomorrow. What I'd he doesn't take me back

"LAUREN!" Lisa screamed snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Shut up you psycho" I said.

"I said we are practicing did a cover tomorrow." She said

"Oh. Ok." I says and continued eating

I was silent for the rest of the night. I got ready for bed and fell asleep thinking about Matt...

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