Chapter 6 - The Wondering Dream Pt 2

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A small reminder of what happened last time.

(Y/n) tilted her head..."Why is that?"...
"I don't know anything about myself, apart from actually ruling Egypt 5 thousand years ago, as the Pharaoh."
You were created to hold the nameless Pharaoh's hidden memories.

;~; ;u; *//0//*

(Y/N) POV:

I was shocked from everything that is shooting towards me about these boy's lives, but seeing a guy who was once a 5 thousand year old pharaoh, standing beside the young boy that was looking towards me with an expression of worry. (Y/n) just stood there dumbfounded, lost for words, until Ishizu's word brought you back once more. "S-So your supposed to be... Like, the real deal?" You ask Yami, confusing him.
"I don't understand."
"Like as in... Your the pharaoh who lost their memories, known as the nameless pharaoh, yes?"
Yami replied, "yes, that would be me your speaking to."
Yugi spoke, "Wait, do you know something that we don't?"
You wanted to say what Ishizu had told you, but you decided to keep it a secret, for now. "That's all I know from history class back in school, something about and ancient pharaoh who lost or has kept their name hidden. No one found enough evidence because of the guardians or tomb keepers kept his tomb secret." That is so much information coming out of my mouth, that could really bust me.
Yugi responded, "That is a clue! The guardians or tomb keepers would know about, well, you of course Yami."
Yami nodded and looked back at you, a bit suspicious. "Is that all you know (Y/n)?"
God dammit what am I going to do? I'm not really making things up, but like... Get a grip, you can't lie to them, okay just leave it at that. "Y-yes of course, that's all I know ...uh majesty or sir Uhhh.." You were trying to be polite and respectful to him, but it just made both of the boys laugh. Yami responded, "There is no need to be so formal around me (Y/n), just be the person I knew before you found out."
Just be the caring (y/n) I know and love!!
You looked behind you and in different directions, you could of sworn it was Yami but he wasn't talking at the time. "Who's there?" You asked. The two spiky haired teens questioned your actions, the shorter one asked. "Are you okay (y/n)?"
"Yugi, There was a voice, just then, it said something."
"What did it sound like?"
"I don't know, almost like, a young boy." I kept looking around and behind me. Nothing. Nothing except me, Yugi and Yami. As you looked behind you again, something was shining in the distance, faint, but still glowing, you started walking towards it. "Where are you going (y/n)?!?" Yami asked, full of worry. You smiled back, "Naww someone is worried about me?!?" You asked in a sarcastic manner,
"Anyway, there is a glow of light coming from this direction, I was gonna go check it out." You moved your head to look towards the light but Yami appeared in front of you. "You don't know what your doing, in this place you could get lost." I shivered when he stood there. He was like, right behind me just now, so he can teleport or something. Whaaaa...?!?! I'm so confused with this, but I just went around him and continued walking, "Yes, because that might just be my exit." You went off into the distance and found yourself in front of a door. See? This looks like an exit. Told you Yami. "I'll see you at some point, like at a duel or something, yea. Bye!"
Hey what are you doing up there, you could hurt yourself.
That voice again, I could have sworn it was coming from the other side of this door. I decided to open the door and then a flash of light blinded me and all I saw was the dark mysterious room vanish and I fell into sand.

Yami's POV:
She completely went around me and walked away, I felt that I may have been a bit too protective with her, but still, this place has traps that could hurt her, and also doors that could lead you to the top and fall from a high places. This may be trying to protect me from intruders, but it's still dangerous to be walking alone.
"She's going to be alright Yami."
I looked back to see Yugi with his innocent smile on his face. I nodded and stared off into the distance. "I hope so." I said.

*\(;u;)/* *\<-3->/* *\(-3o)/*

(Y/n) POV:

Walking. Walking. Even more walking. The sand was difficult to walk in, my feet kept sinking in, but I kept going, non stop. I knew it was all a dream ever since I fell asleep, but it felt like it has gone far too long and soon I'll have to wake up.
Hey what are you doing?? W-wait come back, don't run away!!
There it was again, who could that be?
I ran, I wanted to know, why can I hear a voice, how does it know me? I kept running, not knowing where it would lead me but finally, I managed find a temple.

??? POV:

You will find out the truth, soon enough, and once you do, your secrets will be revealed to me.

To Be Continued...
Hello guys it's been a while, since you got this chapter it means that I literally just wrote it because I got bored and uninspired for the sequel, even though I haven't gotten to the good part. Lol.

Picture: Is he shouting out to Yugi or someone else? -//u//-
Atem: Why does it always have to do with me.
Yugi: Atem, read the title.
Atem: That's not what I ment, I ment messing around with me.
Me: Because we all love you Atem in our own way. And you should probably run.
Atem: That's nice, and also mean. *Runs away from fangirls*

But anyway hope you liked it!! ^u^

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