Chapter 9 - Oh My Ra

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I'm sorry, I really want to say that, even thought I say it most of the time in my life now and some skeleton jokes with some puns on top. Undertale nerd am I? You betcha! Comment about Undertale and I will hug and start talking about that glorious game.

Let's bring back the Yami/Atem pics. (Sends thousands of images from computer to phone.) pfft no way I'm not that obsessed hah hah hah...
What has my life gotten to. O_O'


"Mai, this is my friend (y/n)." Yami replies bak to her. You can't help but blush and inform, "we are not actually together just friends, we hardly even know each other."
Mai replied, "Who said I was saying that kind of relationship between you two." She then started to have a bit of a chuckle. You just kept blushing like the sort of idiot you are and tried calming yourself down from your overload of emotions. As this Mai person started to calm down she put out her hand and introduced a bit more about herself to you. "Mai Valentine (or Mai Kujaku in the Manga), I was one of the top 4 duelists in the semifinals at duelist kingdom."
"But not runner up in the finals heh heh." Joey interjects with a smug look. You shake her hand and introduce yourself, Mai glares and then crosses her arms, looking towards the proud Brooklyn boy and interrupts his 'shine'. "For your information boy, I had to duel Yugi while you had Bandit Keith, and also, even if you got runner up, you still lost to the King of Games." The smug Joey curled up his fist and is held back by Tristan so he doesn't make a scene, which is already too late for that now.

You are watching Joey's annoyed behaviour, Mai looks towards you and smiles, "listen sweetie, if a guy thinks that they are better than you just because of their rank, doesn't mean that they can tell you what to do, you show them who's boss. Okay?" You nod and reply with a smile showing your understanding. Mai starts leaving, she waves and heads towards the elevator to the duel arena for her duel against someone named Marik. You look towards Yami and thought about what Mai said about him being known as the King of Games, which made you laugh quietly.
"What's so funny?" Yami interrupts, questioning your actions.
"King of Games huh, another royalty title for you huh, not only ruler of Egypt but also for card games made for children." You raised your eyebrows and giggled a bit.
He curved his lips creating a small smile on his face.
"Ha ha ha. Very funny, so you do know about me then. Right?"
"After what happened in that weird dream and being from somewhere with two Yugi's I don't know what to believe. Not only that but the door lead me to somewhere else."
You both started walking towards the arena and continued talking. "So you have seen Yugi and you know that I am only a wondering soul of an Egyptian Pharaoh, however, what you saw in that room was something I can never reach." You looked shocked at his words. "But if the Millennium Puzzle is where your soul is kept doesn't that mean you can go into the light...?" Yami looks down, lost in confusion. "...or is something holding you back from knowing your true past." He looked towards you and looked straight ahead.
"My name."
"I want to know about my true past, and who I was, but I don't even know my actual name."
"Really!?! So who have people been calling you this whole time? Yami is one, but I don't know? Pharaoh?."
"Sometimes Yami, mostly pharaoh. It's the only thing I've got to remember."
You patted his back and gave a reassuring smile towards him. "Well I hope you are okay with me calling you Yami instead of pharaoh, unless that bothers you then please let me know."
"Well, I don't mind it to be honest with you. I don't want to feel like friends should be so formal with each other, unless that's they wish to say it that way. I do not mind at all." His handsome smile grew a little more wider until we were at our destination.

At this moment on the arena felt almost weary, you couldn't shake the awful feeling off. You started feeling almost heavy, but only around your wrists and ankles. What's wrong with me, why do I feel almost like...
What was that? A voice?
You noticed almost a fade or almost completely transparent image of chains and chuckles around your wrists. You thought that the high altitude was getting to you, but you continuously followed Yami to the sidelines and watch the scene in the arena take place.
"(Y/n)?" Your eyes spotted the confused violet ones that focused on you. Replying back with a smile, you told him not to worry, and watched as the duel had just begun.

~(@-@~) <~< <u<

During this whole duel it has become almost haunting after some turns, Mai was barely holding on. As Marik's turn was up next he started to grin evilly. Yami has been furious ever since the duel had started, I don't know exactly why, but Marik must have something to do with it.

After Mai being captured and chained up on the field, Marik gave an evil smirk and starting speaking in a language that you didn't recognise and then the last few words were released. "Winged Dragon of Ra" Marik roared.
As you looked up towards the blinding light your vision must have been playing with you as you saw a person beside Marik in chains.
I-It's ME!?!?

Yami's POV:
As the blinding light vanished the winged dragon of ra stood high behind his owner. (Y/n) didn't look fazed from the entrance she wasn't even looking towards Marik or Ra. I didn't have to look at her straight on to notice something different about her. Her eyes were not the soft (e/c)s I remember, they're piercing golden eyes.

;;;;3;;;; (~>^>)~ ~;v;~

Hey guys, another story over a thousand words. now to celebrate my 17th Birthday (on the 28th) not only have I updated this story but I am so close to finishing I Miss You (Atem X Reader One Shot) sequel. Yea, if you don't know that story, it is literally the first book I have published on watpad and some of you guys hated the ending, so I finally made the sequel and it is long as fluff, like, Jesus.

Anyway, umm you won't get another update till like next month I guess because of school and no time to write so yea, I hope you liked it!! ^u^

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