Valentines Day (small special)

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Today is the day. What a special day indeed. Now it might not be THAT day yet but in Australia it is right now.

Guys. I have someone here, that would like to say something to you. For this special day, they are very busy with their lives especially dealing with Seto since... spoilers. But he is here, good as ever and would like to say something to you guys.

Take it away Atem.

"Okay uhh." Atem looks towards you, little bit nervous with what you'll think. He straightened himself with a small smile appearing on his lips, "Well I would like to give you something that is very important to me." He reaches for you hand and gently opens them to place an item roughly the size of your palm. His hand slowly moves from above your hand to underneath it, allowing you to see your gift.

The front piece of the millennium puzzle.

You were surprised of this gift, what did it mean, what was this significance. The piece cannot stay in this world after- (DSOD spoilers Censored). You looked up and gazed at the purple, magenta mixed eyes as they were closely gazing towards you. Your face was warming up from the long gazing of one another, making Atem smile grow.

"Now you might be thinking of this as a weird idea or I should be doing something I little more special like in your lemon fanfics..." Atem spoke chuckling a little.
(Sorry, But I gotta laugh at that. X,D)
"But this is I hope you'll enjoy."

Atem reaches for his necklace and brings it up to be in between the both of you. You finally notice the puzzle, not completed, with the last piece to be placed. Atem looks up to you and asks.

"(Y/n) (L/n) will you be the final piece to my millennium heart?"

You stood in awe. "A-Atem. I-"
(What would you say to him, comment here!!)

I hope you guys like this small gift to also say than you for...

OVER 20 000 views!!!

Thank you so much guys!! I am so happy you enjoy this fanfic, I know it may seem a bit boring at the moment, but I am stepping it up a bit. Trying to make long ones while also dealing with school.

So it would be great if you just wait till I can publish. Okay?

Well I go to go, I have to get ready for school, see you guys later. Bye!!
Oh and...

Atem: Happy Valentines Day. *wink*

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