Chapter 12 - Who are we?

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Image: Honestly, me...


Who are you?
How am I supposed to know, this is just a dream.
So I'm talking to myself.
That means you are me?
Am I?
I didn't say or think anything, I was so confused, there is something in my head, and it's not telling me who. However, it might be a clue, or I'm out of my own mind and this is just a stupid dream that I will easily forget.
Oh trust me you won't forget this moment,
And why is that, who ever you are.
Because I am a you and I'm not you.
Oh god don't make this a riddle, wait.
The past memories, the people from the present in the past.
Now we are thinking on the same page.
Wow, then you are me, but only from the past.
What do you present people call it? Bing go?
You mean Bingo? As in the slang phrase?
Yes that phrase. I don't even know why that little pharaoh talks that way but-
You mean Yugi? You've seen them!?!
A long conversation about the boys and our connection of the past felt pretty long, almost felt like I was never to wake up. But at some point I had to wake up and I did.
It was pretty early in the morning to be waking up, but I had to find out what are the results. It had the semi-finalists on the board, which was odd, it couldn't have been that long when I was asleep.
It was far too long of a dream.
Annnnd your here now, great, wait I thought you were just a dream.
Hah hah. Your funny. Well we have been discussing a lot of stuff so it is right that you have been asleep for a long period of time.
Okay give me some time to process I can't think with not resting my own mind for a second.
Very well.
Thank you.
Now I should find where everyone else is and see how they are going.
Felling better now?
I growl, "At least give me half an hour of peace and quiet, Please!?" It was getting to me about whoever the past self was like, but the memories are still only pieces of the puzzle to my past, and maybe others.
That thought disappeared when I accidentally bump into someone.

To Be Continued...

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