Chapter 16 - Interest

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Okay, umm... yea I'm bak, and I am so sorry for not being able to written this chapter as early as possible. Because in reality I have had inspiration block after finishing school, I have got nothing, I can't think of much, but now I am trying to do my best and I hope you still like this story (I feel like I'm just doing fillers but it should get good pretty soon, we want the good moments now don't we.) ^u^

Previously On How You Met Mah Man.
Uhh... Oh right I just copy and paste this so I can get some words added to this chapter, haha. X,,D

You gave him a worried, small smile for comfort. "He will do his very best, and win." You looked back towards the field where Joey and Marik stared at one another in a staring showdown.

Yami turned his focus towards you next to him, but looked back to the duelist about to compete in a duel. Which would obviously turn into a Shadow Game. "He shouldn't be up against him. I should have been the one to duel him, he could get hurt." He says.

"Well, I guess destiny is not on our side today."

Speaking of another client's identity from HQ, is an offence.

Destiny is a real person!?!?

"If destiny is not on our side, I just hope this Destiny, is on Joey's at least." Yami replies.

You nod at his remark about Destiny that apparently is actually a person.

We need to discuss these so called rules at one point.

If it makes you stop getting into more trouble than we are already in, then as soon as possible.

And Now!




And Sorrow.

That one moment when all was going good and victory was assured, turned all so suddenly.

~Early Flashback~

The battle at this moment seemed to last forever, Joey managed to keep his strength up in the duel while also fought back his opponent. It was difficult but he never gave up.

Yugi's friends cheered him on while (Y/n) and Yami focused on the duel.

Yami focused on Joey mostly, hoping he would succeed. But small twitches and slight movement from the girl next to him caught his attention from time to time. (Y/n).

The (h/c) new girl was focused on not only the safety of her new friend, but also what the evil opponent keeps within his deck.

The winged dragon.

Her other conscious was the guardian of the Egyptian God Ra. During those times Ra was like her power and soul, but shown as a figure or in this case, a god. Although (Y/n) seemed like she was almost unstoppable with Ra, she doesn't know the weaknesses of obtaining such a mighty creature.
She will have to know them, but not now.

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