Well I'm not sure what to say except I've figured out what teens are. We are all insecure people who are trying to figure out who we are. At least I have a few ideas of who I am.. kind, forgiving, compassionate, caring, loving and happy(Most of the time). I can also be: Sadistic, sad and extremely stubborn. If someone does something to me that I feel extremely offended by, I might forgive them within time, but I will never forget. Some people have no clue who they are so they go looking for others for answers. That's why we have LGBT+, druggies, jocks and lots of idiots who let others influence who they are. It's sad. My hope is to show them who they truly are and to bring them to the truth of this world. I try my hardest to only let people I love and respect influence who I am and what I do.

My Life, My Story
Kurgu OlmayanI will be writing my innermost thoughts into this and things I wonder and think daily. This is my story of me, nobody else. Please respect this book with as much care you have and take it seriously. If you have questions, go ahead and ask them. Tha...