A Date?!

373 16 51

~~~Authors POV~~~

After another hour of studying in the Skelebros home, Kara felt herself grow tired and soon she felt asleep. When she did, (Y/N) grew a warm smile and patted her head and then stood up. She stretched out her back, and as she did, a small growl emitted from her stomach. Sounds heard the sound and opened his eyes to look at her. (Y/N) saw his gaze shift to her, and her face immediately grew pink from embarrassment as she placed her hand to her stomach.

"Hungry?" (We don't live there btw.) He asked with a smirk.
A nervous smile crossed (Y/N)s face as she looked at him. "Kind of..." She said. The last time she ate was last night, and the day was already halfway gone, so it's only natural that she would be hungry by now.
Sans let out a breath (?!) as he stood up, from the coach. "How about we got it will be is? " He offers again. "I can call someone to watch of your sis, so we can let her rest. "

(Y/N) looked down at her comatose twin, who was softly snowing. She reached down and poked her cheek, no response from it.

"Who?" She asked him.
"A friend. Don't worry her wound hurt her... Unless forced too... But he usually uses that as an absolute last resort." Sans said. (Y/N) looked at him with a slept all expression. "Don't worry, we wound be too long."
She let out a sigh and then looked at him. "Alright." She finally said.
Sans nodded his head and then reached into his pocket. "Alrighty then, I'm gonna give him a call. Be right back." He said, walking into the kitchen.

As soon as he walked inside, he opened his phone and search for the contact. Sans wanted to do a small experiment, and in order to do that, he needed to be alone with (Y/N) for a short while. He finally found the contact and push the button.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) sat on the couch and look down at Kara. She understood perfectly well why Sans wanted to keep a close eye on her, and around here, it might be for the best to just listen to him. She let out a sigh as Sans exited the kitchen.

"Alright, I called him... He should be here any minute" He said.
(Who is it? Tell me here and be honest... No cheating!)

Not a second later, there was a knock on the door. Sans walked over to answer it, and when the door opened a rather eccentric robot and the house.

"Hello darlings~. I'm sorry I'm late, but you know how it is for stars like I! "  He said, striking a dramatic pose.
"(Y/N), i'd like you to meet Mettaton. He's a good friend of Papyrus's. " He said gesturing  to the humanoid robot.
(Y/N) flashed the robot a smile and then offered out her hand. "Hello, Mettaton, I am (Y/N). " She smiled
"Why,hello, (Y/N)~. You have such a lovely name!" He complimented.
A small blush formed on her face at the compliment, and Sans looked up to Mettaton with a raised eyebrow (?).
Mettaton shifted his gaze over to Kara, and then let out a gasp.
"Amazing! You weren't kidding when you said they looked alike, Sans!" He said, In a Gay voice. He then begun looking back and forth from Kara to (Y/N).
"Well. We are identical." She said nervously. She subconsciously didn't like being alike.
"No kiddin." Sans said, sarcastically.
"Alright, you two, I can take care of this one here. Now go off on your date!~"
Mettaton said motioning the two.

Both of their faces flushed a deep hue as they told him that it wasn't a date. The flamboyant robot only chuckled and then practically push them out. Once outside the house, (Y/N) looked over to Sans.

"Is it really a good idea leaving him with Kara?" She whispered.
"He's eccentric and mischievous, but he does do a good job when it comes to watching over others." (Wonder why) He said, turning around. "Come on, I know a shortcut to Grillbys." He said, taking her hand. "But you have to shut you eyes first" He said

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