~ Unwanted Memories ~

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I step outside and face him again. “I’ll talk to you later butt wipe.” I said with a tired grin. These past days have really worn me down. “Again with the nickname.” He says with a sigh. I giggle. He just shakes his head with a small smile. “Goodnight Mizuki.” He says softly. I nod and walk off.

Wow what a day. I think as I slowly make my way home.

*End Recap*

Fire surrounds me from every direction. The heat wave drenches me in sweat.  I can hear screams of terror in the distance. I glance around frantically. Where am I? All I can make out is that I’m in a living room. The fire illuminates the room creating strange shadows. I’m standing in the middle of the room trying to figure how in the world I got here. Last thing I remember is walking home from Ichiro’s. But what happened after that? Voices slowly drift into the room. I could hear shouting, and a child crying. I run in the direction of the voices, dodging the deadly fire whipping out trying to enclose anyone in its embrace. I run through a hallway following the yelling. I pass a few doors, glancing in the rooms as a pass, each one just as empty as the last.  After about three doors, I finally reach the voices. Stopping in my tracks, I peak into the room, and my eyes widen in shock. A man stood a few feet ahead of me, and had the craziest grin I’ve ever seen in my life.

He was facing two girls who looked awfully familiar. He was laughing crazily. “I finally found you, princess.” The guy sneers. I finally get a good look at the two he was facing. He had moved over a little when he stepped forward. A girl who looked about fourteen with long red hair, and wide blue eyes was glaring at the figure slowly advancing toward them. She stood protectively in front of the little girl who had shoulder length red hair, and piercing red eyes who was gripping onto the older girl’s leg hiding behind her. Tears were running down her face, and she was trembling in fear.

I gasp suddenly realizing something that had me trembling in fear. The little girl was familiar, because she was ME. I stared wide eyed as I looked up to the older girl. There was no doubt about it. There stood Hikari. I started shaking in my shoes. No this can’t be happening. I know what’s going on now. There standing in front of me was my clan’s murderer. This was when Hikari died saving me. Why am I reliving this? I watch as the man pushes Hikari out of the way, grabbing for the little version of me.

“NO!!!” I screamed running for the man. I know exactly what happens next. Hikari gets up and shoves the man away from the little me. I try to stop him from turning around and running the hidden dagger he had stowed away in his sleeve through Hikari’s heart, but I fall through them. They were no more than mere images. I land on my knees screaming for it to stop. “JUST STOP PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS AGAIN!” I scream out pulling at my hair. I curl up in a ball not wanting to go through it again. I hear the little me gasp in horror as blood pours from Hikari’s wound.

“Run Mizuki, NOW!!!!” Hikari screams at the little me. She stares scared at Hikari, before taking off running. The man growls but doesn’t follow. Hikari then falls to the floor losing what little will she had left to live. The man chuckles evilly.

“Tsk, tsk, little Mizuki. You killed your only sister. Shame on you. You shouldn’t have run away now I have to find you.” He says in a sing-song voice looking straight at the real me. My eyes widen in horror, as he laughs crazily, before everything goes black. 

I shoot up gasping for air. My eye’s wide in fear, as tear’s run steadily down my face. What did he mean by sister? I didn’t kill her did I? She was a close friend, but we weren’t sisters.  A pair of hands gently push me back down snapping me out of my thoughts.

 “Whoa easy there, everything’s okay your safe.” says an unfamiliar voice. I look over at the person who pushed me down, and flipped out. “WHO ARE YOU?” I yelled scrambling back up and scooting into the corner away from the strange man sitting in front of me. He had long spikey white hair, and two strange red lines running from his eyes down to his chin. He had his hands up in a surrendering fashion, and had a worried look on his face.  “It’s okay I’m not going to hurt you, my names Jiraiya. “ He says sincerely. “Where am I, and how did I get here?” I asked with a glare. He walks over and sits in a chair conveniently placed beside the small bed I was in. He then crosses his arms, and puts his left leg over his right before he speaks.

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