~ Akiyo ~

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“He simply means that I told him of you coming.” Said another voice from Orochimaru’s direction. I narrowed my eyes as a figure stepped out of the shadow of the trees. My breath stopped in my throat as I realized just who it was.

“Akiyo.” I whispered to shocked to speak up. This is not good. We would not be able to win against Akiyo and Orochimaru.

“How have you been, Princess?”  He asked in a condescending tone with a wide smirk.

I felt my heart rate pick up twice the pace it was before, and my body stiffened in fear. Yes we would definitely not be winning this battle for he would kill us all.

*End Recap*

I stared at Akiyo in complete and utter unadulterated fear. He was the one who murdered my whole family. He was the one who made my life such a horrid nightmare, and he was the reason I suffered as much as I have.

My mind flashed back to when I found out just who this man was. It was about a week after I had been kidnapped by Shiguro, and a random anbu member had appeared out of nowhere telling me that the hokage had wanted to see me. What I found out during that time left me with nightmares for weeks…


I knocked on the hokage’s door wondering what he wanted. Normally he would come see me himself when he had the free time. So what was so important that grandpa needed me to come so urgently? My stomach twisted in anxiety as I shifted from one foot to another waiting for him to answer.

“Come in” came his gruff reply from the other side of the heavy wooden door. I slowly twisted the knob feeling my heart beat rapidly in fear. I pushed the door open, and slowly walked in spotting grandpa sitting at his desk immediately, but the other presence beside him left me surprised.

“Ah Mizuki, I’m glad you came so quickly.” He said before taking a drag of his pipe. I nodded before glancing over to a very familiar figure wondering when he had come back to Konoha. Not that it was a bad thing. I hadn’t seen Jiraiya in about a week or two, so I was actually pretty happy to see him.

“What’d you need me for?” I asked glancing back and forth between the two older men. They both had equally serious expressions on their faces, and I didn’t like it one bit. Grandpa sighed, but it was Jiraiya who answered in his stead.

“He called you here because we have come across some information that involves your safety. You are in some serious danger, Mizuki.” He said staring at me with a frown, but his eyes held worry in them. I felt myself tense up at his words.

“What do you mean? What did you hear?” I asked looking back and forth between them in fear. Jiraiya leaned back against the wall as grandpa let out another puff of smoke. I was growing inpatient as the fear continued growing heavier. What would put me in serious danger?

“Does the name Akiyo ring a bell?” Grandpa asked. My face scrunched up in confusion before I dimly remember the conversation between Ichiro and Shiguro when Shiguro had kidnapped me.

“He has something to do with Ichiro right?” I asked wondering what this had to do with anything. Grandpa nodded his head gravely. “Yes he’s Ichiro’s grandfather.” He said, and I growled. I didn’t like Ichiro’s grandfather even though I never met the man. Leaving Ichiro to take care of himself at such a young age was reason enough not to like him.

 “Okay, so what does this have to do with anything?” I asked still not quite sure what this had to do with me being in danger. Grandpa placed his elbow on his desk before placing his chin in the palm of his hand.

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