~Haku and the Ice Mirrors~

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I frown thinking of the fight that is soon to come. Will we all make it out alive?

*End Recap*

“I don’t see why we have to leave Naruto.” I grumble staring at the ground in annoyance as we made our way to the bridge. It’s been a few days since the tree climbing exercise, and today was the day we would fight Zabuza and Haku. I fidget nervously, and keep my guard up feeling the fear course through me with every step we take towards the bridge. Shiguro keeps looking at me, and whining slightly as he asks for the tenth time what’s wrong. I just ignore him still grumbling about Naruto.

“He needs his rest. We’ll be fine without him for the day.” Dad says with his nose buried in his book. I sigh if only he knew how wrong he is. After that we continued on in silence. I think even Sasuke knew something was bothering me, because he laid off his glaring which he has been doing since I attacked him the other day.

About another ten minutes of uncomfortable silence later the bridge came into view. It gave off an eerie feeling, and everyone gasped noticing all the bodies lying around. “Everyone stay back.” Dad says putting his book away. Tazuna ignores him and continues forward towards the fallen bodies of what were his fellow workers. He looks around in horror as we follow slowly a few feet behind him. 

“What the heck is this?” He says loudly looking around at each of the groaning bodies. ‘At least they’re alive’ I grumble to Shiguro who nods his head slightly. “Someone was here- someone got to them.” Tazuna says looking on in horror. I sigh. I think we’ve established that much. No need to repeat it five times. I shake my head in annoyance before glancing around waiting for Zabuza to come out.

The familiar tendrils of fog slowly shift in around us causing dad to tense up. “Everyone get ready.” Dad says as we get into a triangular formation around Tazuna. Shiguro growls lowly beside me barring his teeth. ‘This is not good.’ He mumbles in my head. I nod my head in acknowledgement still watching my surroundings closely.

“Kakashi- sensei, this is Zabuza’s hidden mist jutsu isn’t it?” Sakura says pointing out the obvious. Dad nods and I fight the urge to facepalm. Why did she have to point out the obvious every chance she has? Stiffening I glance to my right as I feel a shift in the air. Zabuza and Haku appear in a swirl of fog. Six Zabuza clones also appear surrounding us causing me to sweat slightly as I feel fear climb its way up my spine. I shiver before tightening my grip on my kunai knife.

“I see that one’s still trembling. How….pitiful.” Zabuza says slowly causing Sasuke to tense up. I narrow my eyes at the clone in front of me biting back a growl as Sasuke speaks up. “I’m trembling in excitement.” He says smirking. Zabuza raises his eyebrow before laughing. “So it seems.” He says snickering. Dad turns to Sasuke giving him a closed eyed smile. “Go ahead Sasuke.” Sasuke nods and takes out the clones within a few seconds. Zabuza’s eyes widen before he grins.

“It would seem the brat’s improved. Looks like you might have yourself a worthy opponent, eh Haku?” He says turning towards Haku. Haku nods slightly, and at Zabuza’s nod Haku suddenly becomes a wurl wind of air and comes straight towards us.

I tense up watching as Sasuke takes off towards Haku and meets him half way. They meet with a clash of kunai knifes before jumping back again. Sasuke smirks before disappearing only to appear behind Haku. Haku stiffens before back flipping out of the way just as Sasuke was about to make a fatal blow to his neck.

I look away just in time to see Zabuza disappear into the mist. “Everyone be on guard.” Dad says backing up closer to Tazuna. ‘Be careful.’ Shiguro says before suddenly snapping his head left and growling menacingly. Another Zabuza clone stood in front of us with a smirk. “It’s good to see you again, Princess.” He snickers. I growl turning to face him. “I couldn’t say the same for you.” I say before jumping back to avoid his sword.

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