~ Survival Test ~

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I sigh walking down a path that would eventually lead me to the training grounds. My stomach growls loudly causing a few people to turn and look at me oddly. I groan, and give them an angry glare making them look away just as quickly. Stupid Dad making me miss breakfast. You’d think since I’m his daughter he’d let me off, but no all he did was grin mockingly at me before poofing off. He even had the nerve to take all the food out of the house. It’s not like I would take it! Ok maybe I would, but that’s beside the point. It was a little much to remove all the food.

“I’m so hungry.” I whine kicking an innocent pebble causing it to hurtle into a very familiar head of black hair. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?” He yells turning around as his green eye’s focus angrily on me. “oop’s.” I say freezing in my spot. This is so not good.

. “MIZUKI?” He yells as his eye twitches slightly. “Why did you hit me with a rock?” He says in a low voice. I shiver at his tone. Man he could be scary when he wants to be.

“It wasn’t me! It-it was him!” I yell pointing in a random direction. Ichiro’s eye seems to twitch more, and he crosses his arms. “Mizuki that’s a pole.” He says deadpan tapping his foot against the ground. I glance over and sweat drop. “I knew that.” I say nervously. He growls and lunges forward. My face pales and I sidestep him before taking off as if my life depended on it, which it probably did considering he had a deadly look on his face when I sidestepped him. I hear him growl, and I glance back to see him skid to a halt-whip around- and come running towards me again. I make an ‘eep’ sound and take off leaving a cloud of dust in my wake. I’m so gonna die.

“Mizuki, get back here!” Ichiro yells loudly causing the ever curious villagers to glance at us once again. “What are ya looking at?” I yell over my shoulder as I pass them. They pale before quickly going back to what they were doing. Ichiro seemed to be gaining and I veered off to the left down an ally jumping over a trashcan. I skid to a halt, and pale at the sight of a wall blocking my path of freedom. I turn around quickly and back up against the wall as I see Ichiro inching towards me with a twisted grin on his face. I gulp and raise my hands up in surrender.

“Now what are you going to do Mizuki?” He asks still coming closer. I try to push myself farther into the wall. “U-um Ichiro.” I pause before pointing behind him. “Look theirs a unicorn pooping rainbows behind you.” I say with a serious look hiding my fear. He raises a black eyebrow at me still inching forward. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” He asks with a smirk. I nod my head quickly. “Why wouldn’t you?” I shoot back stalling for a way to get away from him. He blocked my escape, and I can’t really crawl up a two story wall now can I? He laughs finally stopping about a foot away from me. “You’ll never change will you?” He asks shaking his head at me. “Nope.” I say popping the p. He sighs before an idea hit’s me like a ton of bricks.

I grin at Ichiro and his eyes widen. “ What are you about to do Mizuki?” He asks eyeing me as if I was mental. I grin creepily at him mentally facepalming for not coming up with it earlier. “Oh you know just this.” I say before transporting myself to the training field. I land on a rock laughing hysterically, before rolling off it with a small groan. “I really need to work on my landings.” I sigh as I poke at my knee and wince at the angry red mark on it. “Stupid rock.” I grumble.

“Mizuki!” I hear before being tackled by a blond blob. I get pushed to the ground and gasp. My lungs seemed to halt, and I gasp for air. “You knocked the air out of her dobe. Get off.” Sasuke says, and I would have stared at him in shock if I wasn’t trying to get air back into my lungs. Since when does the emo duck butt speak? Especially when it concerns me?

I continue to gasp for air as Naruto hurriedly gets off me apologizing over and over again. I sigh, and slowly get up finally able to breathe a little again. “It’s fine Naruto. I’ll live.” I say before running my hand through my hair with a sigh. “So I take it dad hasn’t arrived yet?” I ask looking over at my three team mates.

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