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Full Name: Morgan Grace Thomson

Age: 13

Hobbies: Dancing,Singing,Playing Musical instruments & Social Networking

Best Friends: Aubree, Gabrielle, Peyton, Rylie, Mikey, Louis, Madison, Jason & Sarah.

Bio: Hi I'm Morgan! I'm 13 and I live in Toronto, Ontario. I live in a small apartment with my mom. It's not that we can't afford a normal house, we just don't need one since its only the two of us. I play guitar,ukulele and piano. I dance at Bodies In Motion Dance Studio with Aubree, my bestest friend in the whoooooole wide world! I take every dance style except tap and pointe. I guess by now you're wondering how I'm best friends with To Be One? Well, My mom and Mrs.Alamia (Madison's Mom) used to dance together and they were Best Friends! They still are and they have been ever since I was born. I'm really close with Madison and I met the other boyz through him! So know you know all that you need to know about me. :)

(I know that it sucks but I kinda changed this story from a sequel to well....not a sequel! This will just help you understand the story!)

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