Chapter 6

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"I still can't believe you're leaving me." Aubree said to me as I went through luggage check. It was a P.A day at school so the students got today off and Aubree decided to come with me to the airport. My mom had dropped us off because she was in a hurry to get to work and Aubree's mom was going to pick Aubree up after I had boarded the plane.

"Look, even if something does happen and I end up staying in LA for awhile...I'll come back. I'll ALWAYS come back." I assured her as we began walking towards the terminal.


"Aubree we're not little kids anymore." I laughed, Aubree crossed her arms over her chest. Which caused her floral cardigan to brush against her black leggings.

"You are not boarding that plane until you promise me that you'll always come back, no matter what."

I sighed. "Fine I promise."

"Cross your heart?" She added.

"Cross my heart."

"Good, now before I forget," she replied reaching into her purse and pulling out a small box tied together nicely with ribbon. "I got you something." She handed me the box and I took the top off. In front of my eyes was a dazzling bracelet with the words 'Soul Sisters' engraved into it.

"Aubree, it's perfect."

"And know what's even better?" She asked, I shook my head. She pulled up the right sleeve of her cardigan and revealed a bracelet, a duplicate of the one she had just given me, sitting there gracefully on her wrist. "I have a matching one."

"Oh thank you so much," I squealed hugging her tightly. "I'll wear it everyday."

I placed the bracelet onto my right wrist and put the little box into my Aeropostale backpack.

"Flight 457 for LA, please begin boarding the plane." A muzzled voice rang through the airport speakers.

"Well that's me," I said looking over my shoulder towards the gate where people were beginning to bored, than back at Aubree who looked like she was about to cry.

"I guess this is goodbye," Aubree sorta spat, tears welling up in her eyes, I gave her a puzzled look. "It's LA, anything can happen."

"This is not goodbye Aubree," I placed my hands on her shoulders. "It's more like a 'See You Later' I'll Skype you as soon as I can okay?" She sniffled back a tear and that's when my eyes began to water. I hugged her one last time before I got in line to board the plane. I looked back at her and forced a smile as if to say 'I'm alright' but on the inside i was terrified.

~ Skipping the Plane Ride and the Ride to the hotel bc boooooooring ~

We had just walked through the room to the hotel room and I was exhausted. I unpacked my things really quickly and then flopped down on one of the queensized hotel beds. I sighed a happy sigh as I began to sink through the bedding.

"What are you doing on my bed?" Madison chuckled.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Sorry Mad, I'm just so tired." I let out a small yawn.

"Nonsense Morgan," Christine called from the bathroom, she was fixing her makeup so the door was open a crack. She peeked her head out and looked at Madison. "Madison you can take the pullout bed."

"But Mo-om!" Madison whined.

"No 'but's' Madison William. Morgan is still our guest." She closed the bathroom door and Madison gave me a death glare.

'I love you.' I mouthed and pretended to blow him a kiss, he just rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"Not Cool!" I shouted as i came up behind him and jumped on his back. He took me off and threw me onto Christine's bed. He laughed and checked his phone.

"Get you're bathing suit on." He said to me as he got up and pulled out swim trunks from one of the drawers.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"The boys want to go swimming."

"No really?" I replied sarcastically as I scooched myself more towards the end of the bed. "I meant where."

"LA's full of beaches, I'm sure we can find one that's up to you're standards." He grinned.

"Aye watch it Alamia, or we both know who's toothbrush I will be sticking in the toilet."

We both laughed and then got ready to go to the beach.

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