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Okay, few things before we start the story. In this story there are male charters called -chan and girl characters called -kun. That video above will explain that it is possible, so watch it. For example the anime Free! (which I totally love ♡ ), Nagisa calls them blaaa-chan. Next thing is that the updates of new chapters won't come quick, I hope you still read the story. And last the normal things:

(Y/N) = Your name
(Y/L/N) = Your last name
(E/C) = Eye color
(H/C) = Hair color
(F/C) = Favorite color
(F/F) = Favorite food
(F/D) = Favorite drink
(B/F/N) = Best friend's name

Also, I don't own any of the vocaloids and that means: Len, Rin, Miku, Meiko, Kaito and Luka. All the rights belongs to their creates. Plus the pictures and videos I may put in the story, doesn't belong to me. I just wanted to put them in the story to make it more easier to get the feeling what I feel writing it. Also the songs and lyrics don't belong to me. I just wanted to put them in the story. The story also has two guys with blond hair. The pictures I had put of them are just taken from google, those pictures remind me of how I have imagined them. Now, that all the important things has been said, go enjoy the story. I'll be very happy if you also go check my other story. Happy reading reader-chan :)

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