Chapter 9

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Len's POV

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my phone vibrating in my pocket. Right, I slept my clothes on, I thought to myself while sleepily taking the phone out and looking who was texting me. It was my baka sister Rin.

From: Baka
To: Douple baka

Morning, I assume that you spent the night at (Y/N)'s. So, now that it's Saturday: me and others were going to the local pool. Want to join us? (Y/N) as well.


Well, that would be fun. I'd like to see (Y/N)-chan in a swimsuit. What? Really? Seriously, I can't be that perverted. Cool yourself Len, geez. I looked at peaceful sleeping (Y/N)-chan next to me. Could there be any better way to wake up in the morning than beside her?

From: Douple baka
To: Baka

Morning, and that sounds fun. (Y/N)-chan is still sleeping, so I'll ask her when she wakes up.

- Len

I placed my phone at her night table and looked at (Y/N)-chan again, her (H/C) hair in a mess. She actually did like me back. I felt happy and relieved. She was probably trying to confess to me those other two times, but couldn't. "Just tell me already" I kissed her cheek before getting up. She would get worried when she'd notice that I wasn't next to her, but..... I wanted to be a gentleman and cook her something for breakfast. While cooking, I couldn't help but think about love confessions. When would be a good time to confess? How would I know the perfect timing? And I already knew how she felt towards me, so should I just spit it out? Was there some kind of proper ways to say it? My mind was full of all kind of things. What if something would go wrong? Then suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist, hugging me from behind. It was cute of her to do so, I thought while a small came on my lips. "I thought you had left me, when you weren't beside me like you promised" "(Y/N)-chan, I told you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay as long as you want me and as long as you won't leave me" Of course I wasn't 100% sure of that, because if my manager told me to go somewhere else: I had to go no matter how much I wouldn't want to. Sometimes it was fun and sometimes it wasn't, but it belonged being a vocaloid singer. So, basically, I wished really hard not to get a call from my manager. Being with (Y/N)-chan was the thing I wanted the most right now. "Did you sleep well?" I asked placing a plate of toasts on the table. She happily sat down, starting to eat. "Yeah, I felt protected because I knew you were there next to me" After saying that she covered her mouth, a bit of pink getting on her cheeks. She's so cute when she blushes. "I did too, I was happy to have you there beside me. By the way, I got a text from Rin. She asked us to join them at the local pool today" "Oh god, I can't. I have school, where I'm going to be late" I laughed while watching her eating fast and dashing out of the kitchen. "It's 11 in the morning (Y/N)-chan" "Eh?" "And it's Saturday"  She came back in the kitchen, looking at me a bit pissed. "Why didn't you say that earlier?" "You looked so cute, I couldn't help it.....ouch" Well, I did deserve that. She had punched me lightly on my arm. "Fine, it would be fun to go to the pool. It's going to be a beautiful sunny day anyways"

From: Douple baka
To: Baka

We'll meet you guys at the pool

- Len

End of Len's POV


I arrived early at the local pool, Len-chan went to get his swimsuit and told me, that he'll meet me at the pool with everyone. Well, where is everyone? No Miku, no Kaito, no Rin, no Luka, no Meiko and no Len-chan. I sat down on one of the chairs near the pool looking at the sparkling clear pool water. It was odd that no other people were around. I was partically alone, which didn't feel as fun as I thought. Soon, I heard familiar voices and my sadness vanished away immediately. "(Y/N)! Did you wait long?" Miku happily came running towards me. Her hair was in a big braid, it looked cute since she always had pigtails. She should wear her hair like that more often. "Not very long, I just got here" I gave her a hug and she placed the basket down on the table. Also Miku's swimming suit was very kawaii.

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