Chapter 12

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" smile.....*sigh*.... this is pointless" The school has just ended for today and now I was in the girls bathroom trying to put on a smile on my face. For five minutes I had standed in front of the mirror trying everything I could to make myself smile. But, I knew very well the reason why I couldn't smile. It was because I was thinking of Len-chan and Miku. Just the image of them kissing together yesterday wouldn't left my mind. Thinking of them being together now made my heart ache. I couldn't even sleep well last night because of it. Without noticing a tear came down my cheek. ".... I love you....I thought you felt the same said you two were just friends" Of course I wasn't 100% sure that Len-chan would love me, but still I hoped he would. I wiped the fallen tear away and forced myself to smile while looking at myself in the mirror. I looked tired, blank and emotional with a forced smile. "...This will never work, but... I have to try..." I said and walked out of the bathroom to greet (B/F/N). "Are you sure that you're okay with this? You look tired and I know you're sad and hurt over something. Maybe you should tell Shiro-kun to meet some other time" (B/F/N) said while we walked to our shoe lockers. I still haven't told (B/F/N) that I saw Len-chan and Miku kissing yesterday, which was the reason why I dragged her away so suddenly from the gym. "It's fine and I actually want to go with Shiro-kun. Besides, it's an opportunity to get free ice cream" I said while fake smiled. We got to the shoe lockers and changed our shoes. "If you say so, I trust you. Just remember that you can tell me everything, okay?" (B/F/N) said. "(Y/N)-kun, ready to go?" I turned around finding smiling Shiro-kun. "I know, thanks (B/F/N)" I gave her a pat on the shoulder before leaving with Shiro-kun. After we had left the school grounds and headed to that coffee shop where Shiro-kun wanted to treat me ice cream, my smile slowly faded away. Every time I looked at Shiro-kun, Len-chan's face came in my mind. No matter how many times I looked at Shiro-kun the result was the same: Len-chan with a smile on his face. That made me blush and my heartbeat became faster. Suddenly I felt nervous butterflies in my stomach. "I'm glad you came with me. My friends told me that you wouldn't" Shiro-kun said. Then it hit me, I wasn't with Len-chan. I was with Shiro-kun, my classmate. "I-I was happy to come with you" I didn't know what to say. As fast the blush, nervousness and butterflies came, they vanished the same speed. There was no reason for me to think about Len-chan. He was with Miku. And on top of it all, he never saw me as anything else as a best friend..... Even though I knew all that, I just couldn't bring myself to let go of Len-chan. "(Y/N)-kun, are you okay? You've been very quiet" "Eh? Oh, I'm alright. Thanks for bringing me here, this ice cream is good"

 Thanks for bringing me here, this ice cream is good"

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I said with a fake smile. "Okay, after this let's go to the park" "...sure" I felt so terrible. I had only took one spoonful of the ice cream, I had stayed quiet this entire time and the worst part was that I was only thinking of Len-chan. "(Y/N)-kun, I already ate my ice cream and since you seem to not be in the mood to eat that,  why don't we go to the park?" Shiro-kun asked happily.  How is he able to smile like that when I'm being this rude towards him. "Sure..." We stood up and headed towards the park. Just stop it (Y/N)! Len-chan won't be with you anymore. Stop thinking about HIM and start paying attention to Shiro-kun. "You know, I actually had a reason why I asked you to come with me today" Shiro-kun started when we got to the park. "When you got here in Osaka, you were this cheerful and happy girl who was excited to get along with everyone, but I noticed immediately that you were nervous. Your legs were shaking and you hold tightly onto your skirt. You were wearing this really weird smile while being very scared, but trying to be happy. That's when I started liking you" Shiro-kun stopped walking and I stopped to look at him. "(Y/N), I like you. Will you go out with me?" What? I couldn't believe it. All this time there had been someone who liked me. (Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chan! (Y/N)-chan! But I couldn't return to his feelings. I don't see him in that way and.....I already have someone I love. Even though he has a girlfriend by now. "Shiro-kun, I...." "(Y/N)!" That voice, only one girl has that kind of soft, cute and high voice. I slowly turned around and I couldn't believe what I saw. "M-Miku, w-what are you doing here?" "I'm sorry (Y/N), but there is something really, really important what I need to tell you. I know you probably don't want to see me or hear me right now but, please. It won't take long" Seeing Miku with such a troubled and sad face, it must be really important what she wanted to tell me. "Shiro-kun, this won't take long. I'll be right back" "Sure, I can wait" I took Miku to sit on a bench a bit further away from Shiro-kun.

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