Chapter 11.

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Len's POV

I was in the changing room, feeling a bit uneased. I saw (Y/N)-chan's worried reaction to the video. She must think that 'another thing he's hiding from me'. Suddenly someone came in, I turned around to see that it was Miku. "Miku, you do know that you should knock before you enter" "Yes" She answered slowly getting closer to me. "Len, you do remember that time when I told you I liked you?" "Yes, it was about two years ago. I told you that I already have someone I like and I still like that someone" Why to bring that up out of the blue? It happened two years ago. "Well,..... actually, I still like you Len" What? I felt my cheeks getting hot. I didn't know what to do. She seemed so fine up until now. "Miku, I-I'm sorry. I still love (Y/N)-chan" "But Len, I know you. I'm like you" With that said she kissed me. No, I only wanted to be kissed by (Y/N)-chan. What am I suppose to do now? It was a passionate kiss, but I didn't kiss her back. I couldn't. I already felt bad for hiding things from (Y/N-chan) and now this. So, I pulled her away and then I saw the person I least wanted to see what had happened. "(Y/N)-chan..." Tears were coming down her beautiful (E/C) eyes. How long had she been standing there? Did she see our kiss? "(Y/N), let me explain..." Miku said taking few steps towards (Y/N)-chan. "No,...... there's nothing to explain...... you two love each other.......I should have known.......I was just in the way...... I'll see you guys later......." "(Y/N)-CHAN" Again she ran away from me crying. Why? Why I keep making her cry? Why does she always keep runnin away from me. I sat on the bench, running my fingers through my hair. Few tears dropped on the floor. "I'm sorry, Len. I shouldn't have done that. I know how much you love (Y/N). I just hoped your feelings would have changed. I'm sorry Len, I won't do it again. .. I'll go on ahead, okay" Miku said leaving me alone in the changing room. What was I suppose to do now? I gave her a surprise by coming to perform in her school and I tried to confess to her through the song I wrote about her and for her. But the result was her getting upset and running away from me, again. It was the third time. I changed my clothes feeling depressed and walked out of the changing rooms. "Len, there's something you should hear what (Y/N) said" Kaito said when I got to them. "What is it?" Meiko, Rin, Luka and Kaito looked at each other sad and worried, before turning back to face me. "....She said: "I've had enough of vocaloids. You're all amazing people, but let's face the facts. You're all popular. I was just in the way this whole time" and that: "I had fun with you, but it's time to face the reality. I hope you amazing life. Goodbye"" Meiko said. "I'm really sorry, Len" Luka said coming to hug me. So, it's over? I've lost her and this time for real? I was so shocked that I just blankly stared at everyone. That was it. I would never be able to sing again or dance. I don't even have a reason to live anymore."I-I've lost her..... this time for real......I'll never see her again......I'll never be able to dance........or sing" Luka pulled away from me, taking few steps back, standing next to everyone. ".....I don't have a reason to live........I never told her the truth about myself........I never told her she got a memory loss and that's why she collapsed..........and I never had the chance and courage to tell her how much I loved her........she was my everything......because of her I was able to move forward.........and when I got her back........I lost her again........" Tears were now coming down my cheeks. "......what do I do now?......" I fell on my knees on the floor crying like a small baby. "You're over thinking Len" Rin said coming over to me and giving a hug. "We all liked her" Meiko said. "C'mon Len, I'll take you to the hotel. Sleeping over this is the best cure for now" Kaito said helping Rin to make me stand. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. It hurt so bad. Rin helped me to the car while Kaito went to the driver's seat. The whole time, I kept looking out of the window. Nothing seemed happy in my life anymore. "Don't worry Len, everything will be fine" Kaito said breaking the silence. How could I think like that? (Y/N)-chan is gone and she doesn't even know the truth. I made her cry again and I probably am the last person she wants to see or talk to. So, how can you say that everything will be fine when it won't. Everything was fine yesterday. I couldn't understand why Miku had kissed me. She told me she liked me two years ago. And I even heard her talking about some guy with Rin every now and then. So, why now? I felt so guilty that (Y/N)-chan had seen that scene. She probably came to say something about the performance. I should have taken a hold of her hand and stop her from running away. I should have told her I love her right then and there. But, I'm such a coward. Soon, we came to the hotel and Kaito parked his car. "Len, I'm really sorry. We didn't mean something like this to happen" Kaito said looking at his hands. "Maybe I'm not suppose to say this, but I want you to know this. Rin got this plan to hook you guys up because we know how much you and (Y/N) love each other. We planned on doing that next week, but then Miku said that her feelings towards you came back through Rin's plan....... I'm very sorry..... if we haven't had decided to make that plan, everything would still be fine" I had never seen Kaito cry before this time. He had always had a big smile on his face. "I'm sorry too...... I know this is all my fault..... because of me, (Y/N)-chan is feeling a lot worse than she already was...... another thing I've been hiding from her...... all I do is make her cry........ I guess my time around her has come to an end........ she doesn't need me anymore....... but....... I still need her" Ever since we met again, I've only made her cry and feel pain. I know that she loves me but she doesn't know that I love her. She even has a new best friend. "C'mon, there's no point in staying in the car" We came out of the car and went in the hotel. In our room I layed down on the bed looking at the ceiling. "You know, the first time I saw (Y/N)-chan was when me and Rin were shooting scenes for 'Arcade Future Tone'. I got a bit lost and she found me. She was so beautiful and I knew that I couldn't ever let her go. After we were done filming, I fly back in there only to meet her. You could say that I was in two places at the same time during those times..... It hurts me that she won't remember that day, because that day was the happiest day of my life" Would she ever be able to remember it? "Kaito, what do I do?" "Right now, the best thing is to go to sleep. You're probably tired from all the crying. I know that it's only 15:00 pm right now, but it'll do good for you. Don't worry, we'll figure something out together"

End of Len's POV

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