Chapter 4.

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Len's POV

The second time I watched my best friend running away from me crying. I thought that she would be happy to see me after all this time we've been apart. After I watched her go at the train station, I did everything I could to get a concert here in Osaka. Now, she was sad. I wanted to hug her so badly and tell her my feelings towards her. Few tears came running down my cheeks. Again I lost my chance to tell her I love her. "Len-kun? Who was that cute girl? Your secret girlfriend?" Meiko asked with a wink and a grin on her face, while I wiped the fallen tears from my cheeks. "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). My best friend........and love. I've loved her ever since we met. She lived at the countryside and I always went there to see her. Then one day she left to Osaka by train......I never told her I loved her. I did tell her about who I really was but..... she got in an accident and forgot it" I hadn't told this to anyone, but now that they all met her: it's time to let them know....


"(Y/N)-chan, there's something really important I need to tell you" We were at the river near our treehouse watching the fireflies. She had wanted to see them for quite a while now. "What is it Len-chan?" That cute excited and happy smile always made me blush. How adorable it was her to call me Len-chan. No ones else did and that's why I loved that name ever since she started calling me that. "I.......I'm....... I'm a famous vocaloid singer! Everyone around Japan and almost all around the world knows me! There's figurines, dolls, posters, all kind of things! I'm not the only one! There is many of us! And I have a twin sister, Rin Kagamine! I wanted to tell you this sooner but I couldn't! Please, (Y/N)-chan: don't hate me!" I finally said it. It was like a lot of weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Small tears came down my cheeks. Why am I such a crybaby? Suddenly I felt two arms around my neck, holding tight. "I could never hate you Len-chan. Not ever. You're my best friend. I'm very happy you told me that. Don't cry Len-chan, show me that beautiful smile of yours" She patted the back of me head and hugged me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. This is why I love you, always. "Len-chan look, the fireflies" We were soon surounded by fireflies. "Let's try to catch them" (Y/N)-chan started running and jumpping chaceing the fireflies. "(Y/N)-chan, look out the stairs!" She couldn't hear me, so I began to ran after her. "(Y/N)-CHAN!!!" She fell down the stairs and in the river. Luckily I was able to save her from the river but she had hit her head badly. For two days she was uncoucnes in the hospital. I kept telling myself that it was my fault. If I had ran after her sooner. If I had warned her louder. When she finally woke up she had forgotten the evening with the fireflies and that I was a vocaloid singer. But I was glad I hadn't confessed to her, she would have forgotten it.

"So, you never told her again who you really were?" Kaito said. "Yes, I hid it and as my surprise, she never asked why I didn't really talk anything about myself. I was afraid that she might remember and ran away" "But Len-kun...." Rin said taking a hold of my hand, that always seemed to make me calmer. ".....Was this what you wanted? Now, she thinks that you had lied to her all that time you two have been friends" I know that, all this time I've known that if she finds out the truth she'll be sad. "Could I.....could I have your singnatures? Or a picture with you?" A girl with brown hair asked. Wasn't she with (Y/N)-chan? "Who are you?" Miku and Rin asked almost at the same time. "I'm (B/F/N). I'm (Y/N)'s best friend. That girl who just dashed out" What? I thought I was her best friend. We promised to always be best friends. "Of course" Kaito said smiling going to her with a grin on his face. Immediately that brunette showed a small smile. If (Y/N)-chan would have greeted me like that. "I don't feel very well, so mind if I go? Excuse me" What was I doing here? What was I thinking? I should have known that (Y/N)-chan would already have a new best friend. Of course she would, with that kind personality of hers she'd get friends in no time. Great, now it started raining. Ugh, good thing I had my umbrella with me. I opened it and placed it on top of my head continueing my walk. Did she ever think about me after we parted? Just what was I to her? Was there any of me left on that big heart of hers? There never was another girl besides (Y/N)-chan. No, me and Miku hadn't dated. Not really. We hang out together and she's a good friend, but........she's 16. And I think she already has someone special, even though she doesn't say anything. I had always loved (Y/N)-chan. Why didn't I confess to her when I had the chance? "I'm such a fool" Right that moment there was a small playground. The first thing I noticed was the swing. "Hey Len-chan, we should hang a swing right here. Wouldn't it be fun?" Luckily there wasn't anyone there, so.......I went and sat on the swing. "I guess.......I guess you never heard the song I wrote about you...... Do you want to hear the's Time Machine" After quite a long time, the sun was setting down. I stood up looking at the beautiful sunset. It reminded me of the time when me and (Y/N)-chan were at the treehouse eating strawberries while watching the sunset. "I wish I could be as beautiful as the sunset" "You are (Y/N)-chan" "Stop it, I'm serious" So was I (Y/N)-chan. You are as beautiful as the sunset, even more beautiful. Why didn't I confess to her that time? The moment was perfect. "I know, right?" "Oh, I want that kind of dress too. It would be so good for the next music video" Miku and Rin were talking in the hotel room when I got there. But I just ignored them and layed down on my bed. "(Y/N)....." I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

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