Chapter 10. (involves lots of pictures)

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Soon, the weekend was over and it was time to go to school. Len-chan and the others went to their hotel, but told me that we'd see each other today after my school. It felt a bit weird to go to school because I had had so much fun with Len-chan, Kaito, Meiko, Rin, Luka and Miku.  "Morning (Y/N), how are you feeling?" (B/F/N) asked when I got to the shoe lockers. "Morning (B/F/N), I'm feeling a lot better actually" "Did you rest and take your mind off of Len?" I closed my locker door and sighed. "No, actually I......I did the opposite" While walking to our classes I told (B/F/N) what had happened. Of course I didn't tell her how I sat on Len-chan's lap, how he took me home by holding hands, how he stayed the night sleeping beside me and how we played at the pool. That would have been too much information. I felt my cheeks getting hot when I remembered what had happened between me and Len-chan. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Oh, you didn't hear that the vocaloids are going to perform in here today" "Eh?" What? Was that true? Why they hadn't told me that? "Yeah, at lunch time. After that, we can go home" (B/F/N) said and I could see the sparkle in her eyes. "I can't wait to hear and see Kaito again" Could she already have a small crush on him. "Oh, the class starts soon. I'll see you at lunch time, let's sit together, okay?" "Yeah, sure" I entered in my class room and sat on my seat. Was this their surprise what they meant yesterday when we parted?

"Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow after school" I said waving goodbye. "Or earlier" Meiko said winking. "What do you mean?" "Meiko, you ruined it!" Rin said a bit mad. "What's going on?" "It was suppose to be a surprise to you (Y/N)" Miku said kindly smiling. "Miku, don't blurt it anymore" Kaito said. "It's nothing you need to worry right now, (Y/N)-chan. You'll see tomorrow" Len-chan said smiling kindly.

They must have meant that they were coming to perform in here as a surprise to me. Thinking about that brought a smile to my lips. "(Y/N)-kun?" I looked up to see Shiro-kun standing next to me. "Yeah?" "Could I meet you after school?" I looked over at his friends smiling and whispering. Well, I didn't have anything planned, so I looked back at Shiro-kun saying: "Sure" "Great, I'll meet you at the cherry blossom tree" With that he went back to his seat and the teacher came in. I wonder why he wanted to meet after school. It's not that I was against him, he was a good friend and I had fun talking with him. I just thought that he kept me as a classmate and nothing else. You do remember that Shiro-kun is the other guy with blond hair in my class? The other one is Taichi-kun but......... his kind of different. How should I put it...... that kind of guy to be only interested in computer games. Yes, I had talked to him few times and he is a good guy but, his only interest is in computer games. Shiro-kun had green eyes and glasses. He kind of looked like Len-chan with glasses.

See what I mean? But Shiro-kun doesn't look like Len-chan

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See what I mean? But Shiro-kun doesn't look like Len-chan. Shiro-kun has totally different style of clothes, and he has different shape of face. It was relaxed and classic Taichi-kun on the other hand blue eyes and cool style of clothes. How did I know this, when we had to wear a school uniform? Well, every now and then we had days when we didn't have to wear a school uniform. So, I did pay attention to their style of clothes. 

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