Chapter 5

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".....RING......RING....." Was it morning already? Lazily I got up shutting my alarm clock. My eyes still hurt from crying so much. I looked at the Len doll next to me. I just couldn't understand him. Just who was he? Why can't I remember the early days of our friendship? Have we always been friends? Tears came down my cheeks while I looked at the doll in my hand. Why I can't remember? Why? "WHY?!" I shouted throwing the doll to the floor. While wiping the tears I started getting ready for school. Before walking out of my house I looked at myself from the mirror. My eyes were red and swollen a bit, basically I didn't look good. Though I didn't care, I wanted everyone to see that everyone has bad days. With that in mind, I left to school. On my way there, not a single cloud looked like Len-chan. Had he lied to me? That blond haired girl, was she his sister? What were those other vocaloids? I'm sure one of them was his girlfriend. That had to be true. If they all looked so beautiful and handsome: why Len-chan had been friends with ME? With all those sluty clothes and everything, why ME? I'm not even beautiful nor have a sexy body like they have. I can sing but not like they can. Those thoughts in mind I finally arrived at school.


"(Y/N!!!" (B/F/N) was running towards me on the school hallway. "Why didn't you tell me you are friends with Len Kagamine?" She said... no, shouted at me. "Well, firstly I just found at that he's that famous. Back then I had no idea he was a singer. Secondly we were best friends before I moved here..... to tell you the truth......I don't know him" With that I turned around to walk to my class, but at the entrance I didn't feel like going in. I felt so betrayed and depressed that I simply ran to the rooftop. I had no idea what to believe anymore, I wanted to remember. Why he never talked about himself to me? Why was he always in the treehouse? Why he wore so fancy outfits? Why? Why? WHY? "AAAAagh!!!!!!!!" Suddenly my head hurt like someone would have shot right through it. The banging in my head was so painful that I fell to the ground crying, covering my ears. What is this? "L...L-len-c-chan..." The banging just didn't stop. I tried to stand but everything looked so blurry and was spinning around me. What is this? Then I fell again and I lost consciousness.

"What's wrong (Y/N)-chan? Why are you crying? Please, don't cry. I'm always here for you"

Len-chan, why aren't you here? You said you'd always be here for me? Why can't I remember anything from our past? Why didn't you tell me you were a vocaloid singer? Why? (Y/N)......(Y/N)...... Someone's calling me? NO, I don't want to go. Len-chan, tell me. TELL ME! "(Y/N)!" Slowly I opened my eyes to see my worried best friend and the school nurse around me. I was laying on the bed with a bandet over my head. My head still hurt a bit, but not so much anymore. "Where am I?" "You're at the infirmary, a boy with blond hair found you at the rooftop laying on the ground. He took you here" A boy with blond hair. Shiro? But I don't remember him knowing that I always go to the rooftop when I'm sad. "I was so worried about you (Y/N)" "Wait, who blond haired boy?" Was it really Shiro? Or could it be Taichi? "It was Len. I saw him going to the rooftop after class had started" Len-chan? You were here? What were you doing here? Immediately I got up and dashed out of the infirmary. "(Y/N), you're......" saved me Len-chan? How did you know I was there. Len-chan, you know something. You know something and you're hiding it from me. Why? Tell me. Just tell me already. Again, a small bang echoed in my mind, but I didn't let it stop me. He had make it to the shoe lockers."LEN-CHAN!" I shouted as loud as I could. He turned around looking confused. Don't show me that face like you wouldn't know. The banging in my head got a bit louder. "(Y/N)-chan, you should...." "Tell me! Tell me already you pumpkin! Why I can't remember anything from the early days of our friendship?! Why didn't you tell me who you really were?! Why did you hid it from me?! Why were you always, always in the treehouse?! Why you always wore so fancy clothes?! Why didn't you ever talk about yourself?!" The ground slowly started to spin around me, the banging bit by bit getting louder, hurting thousand times worse than earlier. "(Y/N)-chan, please, you need to st...." "NO! Tell me! Why are you hiding things from me?! I want to know! I have to know! Len-chan, who...." My view got blurry again and everything spin around me. What is this? "AAAAAAAAAAAAgh!!!" The banging didn't stop, it just kept going and going. I tried to walk towards Len-chan, even though I didn't know anymore where he was standing, but I fell. "(Y/N)-CHAN!"

Hearing my name being called by Len-chan was the last thing I remembered before everything went black again

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Hearing my name being called by Len-chan was the last thing I remembered before everything went black again. "I told you to stop! Again I failed to warn you in time! Again I wasn't loud enough! I can't bear you to forget something about me again!" Len-chan said hugging me while a tear fell down his cheek. The first time was too much to him. To watch everyday how his best friend couldn't remember the happiest day of his life: when they met. He couldn't tell her who he really was and he was afraid that when he would: it'd be too much for her. "I'm sorry (Y/N)-chan, I'll promise to explain myself to you. Soon" With that he kissed my forehead holding on to my hand. Len-chan picked me up and carried me bridal style back to the infirmary. "Did she collapse again?" The nurse asked after Len-chan layed me on the bed. "Do you know something about this?" "Yes...she's trying too hard to remember the things she has forgotten..... Before she moved here, she got into an accident..... I warned her about the stairs ahead of her, but she didn't hear me and fell the stairs into a near river..... I was able to save her from the water, but she had hit her head badly..... That caused her to forget the early days from our friendship and that I am a vocaloid singer.....I did tell her everything about me, but she forgot it during the accident.....I was afraid that something like this would happen" Len-chan said stroking my cheek. "Please, don't tell her! I want to tell her this on my own! Please!" "I understand, both of us won't say a word" The nurse said smiling and nodding to the worried Len-chan. "But what about (Y/N)? She wants to know why you're hiding things from here. Can't you see how upset and hurt she is?!" "Of course.... it hurts me to see her like this...... It always has, but......I want to tell her myself..... I know she wants that the most.... besides......if she'd heard the truth from you, she'd be more upset, don't you think?......I'm going to explain myself to her soon with the way she has always understood me.........through music"

through music"

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