Chapter 8

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Together, holding hands, we went up on stage to tell Luka, Rin, Kaito, Meiko and Miku. They were playing a song, which in my ears sounded wonderful. "That's called 'World is mine'" "It's beautiful" Miku's voice was cute, but it had power in it. I didn't and that's why it sounded weak. "I'm sure you can also sing it, right?" "Yeah, you should hear me sing that" After few seconds the song ended and we went to them. "Did you two confess?" Miku asked seeing me and Len-chan holding hands. "EH?" We said at the same time. Hang on, at the same time..... so does Len-chan really like me back? Blushing I slowly parted from the hold of his hand. "I'm tired and I have school tomorrow, so....I'm going home" "Aww, already?" Luka said coming to hug me. "I'm sorry, but I'll come see you soon. I promise" Kaito, Rin, Meiko and Miku also came to give me a hug. It felt like I had already got new friends, or even a family. They were so caring that I didn't know how  to be around them, but I hugged them all back. "I'll go change, so wait for me at the doors. Okay?" "Okay" I flashed Len-chan a smile, which he of course returned with a smile. Don't leave me again, okay Len-chan? "So, what was that?" Meiko asked putting a hand on Len-chan's shoulder after I left. "Well, we talked and I think we are back to where we left. I really did miss her a lot" "Yeah, we got that part, what was with the 'holding hands'? Did you guys confess?" Kaito asked placing the electirc guitar down. "No, not yet. I think I need a better moment to do that. And what's with the 'you guys'? Are you saying that (Y/N)-chan likes me back?" Len-chan asked looking confused at his smiling friends. "That's what you need to find out." Miku said. While waiting Len-chan at the doors, every now and then I checked my make up. What for? It looked fine. Then it hit me, I had sat on Len-chan's lap. LEN-CHAN'S LAP.  His face was so close to me and I felt his breathe against my chest. He didn't even shook my hand of when I stroked his cheek. AND I kissed his hair. What was I thinking? What was I doing? Was I trying to confess to him without noticing? My cheeks were getting hot and I had to place my hands over them. Even my heart started to beat faster and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "(Y/N)-chan" I heard Len-chan's voice behind me but I didn't turn around to face him. "Are you okay?" He tapped my shoulder and turned me to face him, my hands still over my cheeks. "Your face is red" He placed his hand gently on my forehead looking straight at me. Few seconds I looked back, beofre turning my gace to his outfit.

His outfit was cute and comfy

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His outfit was cute and comfy. Just like mine. "Remember when I did this at the treehouse?" That time I also blushed and Len-chan placed his hand over my forehead. "Yes, you got worried that I might be sick" I said still blushing. He lifted my chin up with his finger to look up at him. "(Y/N)-chan......." "Y-yes?" Soon our faces were so close that I felt his breathe against my face. "Did you got a boyfriend?" "Eh?" Did he really ask that? I noticed a bit of pink getting on his cheeks, but he didn't seem to mind it. Right that moment I wanted to kiss him and tell him that my eyes has always seen only him. But I was too afraid to do that. He might reject me and I wouldn't be able to face him again. "No, actually I.......I....." What? Now? The timing was too soon. Again the words didn't come out. Would I ever be able to actually say it? "Len-chan I....." He put his finger over my mouth and then tapped my head. "It's getting late, we should be going" I guess I'll wait when the timing is right. We walked to my home hand in hand. Of course, I was blushing the whole time but I didn't want to let go. Was it okay to hold his hand like this? We were friends after all. "I didn't got a girlfriend either" Len-chan said breaking the silence. "People gossiped that me and Miku had dated, but we're just friends. Also she's 16 and I think he already might have someone she likes, even though she won't say it" I looked up at him, a smile getting on his lips. "Besides, I already have someone I like very much. Even when she won't seem to notice it" Len-chan had a crush on someone? Who could it be? Somehow I didn't like to hear that. A bit of sad, jelousy and anger hit me. "Who is she?" I suddenly asked, getting suprised myself. "I'll tell you someday" We finally got in my house and I opened the door. "If you're hungry or thirsty, please help yourself. I'm going to go change" I said and Len-chan just nodded. After changeing I sat on my bed looking at my Len doll on the night table. "You're finally here" Few days ago I had no idea I'd meet Len-chan. Few days ago I had no idea that my Len-chan was a famous vocaloid singer. Meiko, Miku, Kaito, Luka and Rin were all kind. Maybe we could become great friends. They were Len-chan's friend and I wanted to get along with them. And now, Len-chan was downstairs in my home, spending the night with me. I had no other choise, I didn't want to part from him yet. Besides weren't going to do anything perverted. But what after I fell asleep? Would he do something to me? No, Len-chan wasn't that kind of person. "Can't sleep?" Len-chan was leaning against the doorway. I layed down on the bed looking at the ceiling. "Would it help if I'd lay beside you?" Before I could say anything, he had wrapped my planket over me and climbed next to me. "You can go to sleep, I'll be here with you" I quickly took a hold of his hand, looking at him while he smiled kindly. "I promise, I'm not leaving you here. Go to sleep" He kissed my forehead and stroked my cheek. Soon I fell asleep to the sound of his singing. It was a beautiful song but I didn't know it. It was so peaceful and I hoped he'd be beside me when I'd woke up.

Len's POV

What is wrong with me? I almost confessed to (Y/N)-chan. While singing 'Time Machine', I looked at (Y/N)-chan's sleeping face. She was so beautiful and her cheeks were so soft. Gosh, how much I wanted her to be mine. Again she tried to tell me something, which I remember her doing when she told me she was leaving in Osaka. I always wondered what that was. "Len-chan....." "Hmm?" Didn't she fell alseep just now? She tightened her grip on my hand. "" Di-did she just say that? I felt my cheeks getting hot. Did she like me back? I was so shocked. Was this what they all meant? So, I gave her a quick pec on her red lips and said: "I love you too, (Y/N)-chan. Always had, always will" Then I layed down, wrapping my arms around her, bringing her closer to me and slowly falling alseep with a smile on my face. She was finnally in my arms again and I wouldn't let her go.

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