Chapter 13

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Len's Pov.

"Onegai kissu de me o samashite hoshii no

//Please, I wish you would wake me up with you kiss//

Shiroi hitsugi kara tsuredasu you ni

//And bring me out from this white coffin I'm sleeping in//

Tsukisasaru nikushimi wa dorama teki na jijoo

//Piercing hot red is such a drama-like thing//

Inootte mo kimi wa mada konai

//But no matter how much I pray, you, my princess, are still not here//

..... *sigh*" 

I was sitting on the swing, listening to the wind and the silent crack voice of the swing.  The sun was already setting, making everything around me so beautiful. I had already placed my bag in the treehouse and changed into the outfit I had on when we filmed 'Time machine'.

 I had already placed my bag in the treehouse and changed into the outfit I had on when we filmed 'Time machine'

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Even singing didn't make me any happier like it usually did. All I could think about was (Y/N)-chan and how I screwed up telling her how much I loved her. "I'll be fine....I'll just find someone else to love......" Yeah, like I could ever do that. Why I decided to come here? Well, there wasn't any particular reason for me anymore to be in Osaka or even be a vocaloid singer. (Y/N)-chan didn't need me anymore and I wasn't a part of her life anymore. All I could do was to make her cry and feel pain. Besides she had moved. She got a new best friend and if my eyes don't lie, even a boyfriend. Yeah, today before I went to the train station I thought I'd see (Y/N)-chan for the last time. I was at the school gates when I spotted (Y/N)-chan and a blond guy coming towards the gates together. I quickly hid in a bush. If she would've seen me, who knows how much pain it would've caused her. After they were a bit further away, I got out of the bush and looked at them. She'd be in good care with him. He could make her happy when I couldn't. He could love her when I couldn't. While remembering her, my heart started pounding fast and my hands started shaking. Also I wouldn't be lying if I said my cheeks were getting hot. As much as I wanted, she wouldn't be mine ever. I stopped swinging and looked at the beautiful orange/pink/purple sky.


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"(Y/N)-chan......just don't forget me more than you already have......can you do that for me........please...." I felt a small tear running down my right cheek. I sure am a crybaby.......Len-chan...... I looked around me confused. It felt like someone called me...... Len-chan.....There it was again, but as hard as I looked, I couldn't find anything. ".......chan......." Now I certainly heard something. I stood up from the swing and took few steps forward. "..... len......chan.......Len-chan...........LEN-CHAN!........." I finally saw (Y/N)-chan running towards me. What was she doing here? How did she find me? Doesn't she have school tomorrow? "Len-chan, you dummy!!" She shouted and hugged me. I was startled at first and almost fell on the ground for the sudden hug. But slowly I wrapped my arms around her waist. "How could you leave me like that?! Not even leaving me any kind of note! I just got you back in my life and you leave without saying anything!!! You dummy!!!" She shouted. I was speechless. I thought that if I wasn't around causing her pain more than I had til now, she would be happier. But my leaving had cause her even more pain. "I-I'm sorry..." "Don't you dare leave me again, you hear me?" She pulled away from the hug and looked at me straight in the eye with her beautiful (E/C) eyes. Gosh, how much I loved her.

Your Pov.
"Don't you dare leave me again, you hear me?" I pulled away from the hug and looked straight in his green/blue eyes. He looked so cute that I wanted to stroke his cheek and ruffle his soft blond hair, but I hold it back. Before I could say anything, he took a hold of my hand with that lovely smile of his. "I promise" I smiled back at him with a huge blush on my face. After we sat on the ground, leaning our backs on the big tree, I looked around me. It felt like a great opportunity to tell that I got my memory back and.... maybe even confess. So, I decided to put it action. "You know after getting my memory back, do you have any idea how sad I was to find out that you weren't there beside me to hear it?" His expression quickly changed into amaze and shock. "I guess everything makes sense now. The reason why I collapsed was because I tried too hard to remember you. You did tell me about you being a vocaloid singer but, then I fell down the stairs, which you did warn me about and I didn't listen, and got a memory loss. It caused me to forget all of it. It also explains why I didn't remember how we met or how we became friends" I looked back at him only to find him looking at me with a huge, happy smile. "All it took was a small hit on the back of my head from a rock and it all came rushing back to me" Len-chan then tightened his grip in my hand, which he still hold onto. "I thought you'd never remember. When I took you to the infirmary, your friend got confused why I didn't just tell you. I thought that it would be the best if I'd tell you myself, but since I never got the opportunity, I didn't. I thought that maybe it'd be the best if you wouldn't remember at all. But still, some part of me wanted you to remember. I hope your boyfriend will understand what I mean" WHAT? What boyfriend? "Len-chan, what boyfriend are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend" "Huh?" Len-chan quickly looked at me with a confused face.  "But I saw you leaving school today with a guy. Wasn't he your boyfriend?" "Oh, that was Shiro-kun,  my classmate. He took me to ice cream and then he confessed to me. I turned him down because I don't see him that way and because I...... uh...... I l-like someone already" I looked away with a blush coming on my cheeks. I can't believe I actually said that to him. "Then who is it that you like?" What should I do? I've been wanting to tell him so long. But what if he turns nme down and it gets awkward between us? What do I do then? "Actually...... " Wait.... "The one I like..." Am I really doing this or is someone controlling me? "No, love......" Here it goes, there's no turning back after this. Better late than never. "Is..... You Len-chan.......It's always been you.....I tried to confess to you that time on the train station, but I was scared..... I never stopped loving you after we parted and...." I was quickly cut off with a kiss on my right cheek. While blushing madly, I placed my hand over the cheek and looked at Len-chan who had a....... loving smile? "I thought you'd never say that. I love you too, always had, always will" With that he leaned closer to me again and before I could ask what he was doing, he gently placed his lips against mine. When I realized what was going on, I slowly closed my eyes and melted to the kiss. How long have I wanted to be kissed by him. It was gentle and a loving kiss. After a while he licked my lower lip, asking for entrance, which I gave letting him explore every corner of my mouth. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him towards me and deepening the kiss. After I while we pulled away looking at each other's eyes, him bringing me to sit on his lap once again. "Want me to say it?" He asked while I ruffled and played with his amazingly soft hair. "Yes" I answered happily looking at him. He sighed and placed few of my hair behind my ear. "Will you be my girlfriend?" It's finally here, those 5 small words which I've been wanting to hear god knows how long. "I-I thought you'd never ask" He laughed a bit before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "You know, there's been one thing wondering me" "And that is?" I placed my hands around his neck. "Why did you make a music video where you show all our important memories to the whole world?" With that said, slowly a hint of pink appeared on his cheeks. "That song is..... written by me...... about you...... and to you" He said looking away from me. "Really?" "Y-yeah..... I wrote it after we parted...... and since I love you and already missed you back then...... I thought that if I'd film it here in our treehouse...... then maybe my feelings and your memories might return to you.." He said still not looking at me with a blush on his face. "What's it called?" I still couldn't believe that Len-chan actually wrote a song about me and for me. I was so happy that this huge smile came on my lips. "'Time machine'" "No way" I hugged him tight. We were actually thinking about the same thing: time machine. How could we be so similar. "I love you so much" I said and kissed his cheek. "Will you sing it for me again?" He looked at me still blushed and after few minutes he smiled. "Of course, as many times as you like"

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