Chapter 1.

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"(Y/N)-chan, c'mon! The faster we get to the treehouse, the faster we can continue the project" "Len-chan, it's not that far. We don't need to run" Len-chan was dragging me to our treehouse, which was near my house. Just had to walk a bit. It was a beautiful sunny day. We had signed in on a competion where we had to make an unrealistic city. Mine and Len-chan's city was almost ready. Just few peaces needed to be glued to their places. "Hurry up (Y/N)-chan!" Len-chan happily shouted. He was already under the tree. Gosh, how much I loved that beuatiful smile of his. Yes, I was in love with my best friend. No, I hadn't told him that. I don't want to ruin our friendship by doing something like that. He would never talk to me again. It's just a crush passing by.....right? "The competion is on Friday, so we have 2 days left" Len-chan said marking the days with a red pencil with simply crossing the days on our calander. All about him gave me butterflyes. His beautiful sparkling blue eyes, his amazingly blond hair, his light skin..... when did he become so handsome and... manly? "(Y/N)-chan, are you okay? You're spacing out and your face is red" "Eh?" Did I blush without paying atention? I simply placed my hands over my cheeks. Yes, they were hot. Then Len-chan softly placed his hand over my forehead, which made my heart beat faster. "You don't seem to have a fever" "I-I'm fine Len-chan, really" I nervously smiled while Len-chan took of his hand. We started working our city, even when there wasn't really much to do. Every now and then I looked at Len-chan, who was happily working. He looked so cute focused on his work. When our eyes met, I quickly looked away slightly blushing. I wonder when did I started liking him this much. Was it that time at the beach when we were playing tag and he catched me by falling on top of me? Or was it that time at the market when we both wanted the same ice cream and our hands touched? Or was it that time on Valentines Day when I ate a lot of chocolate and had it all over my face and Len-chan wiped it of with his thumb? While thinking those times, I blushed even more. "This is the last piece (Y/N)-chan" I woke up from my thoughts and looked at Len-chan who was carefully placing the last piece on top of the highest building. "Len-chan, we did it" Both of us smiled looking at the finished projeckt. We had worked so much to that city and finally it was done. "It's ready (Y/N)-chan" Len-chan hugged me which of course made my heart race and cheeks hot. But I gladly hugged him back. It was so warm hug. I could have stayed like that forever. "So, what were you thinking (Y/N)-chan?" Len-chan asked when we were eating watermelons. "Eh, nothing special. Just that how long we've been best friends" I said smiling and taking a bit of the watermelon in my hands. "Heh, (Y/N)-chan, we'll always be best friends. Right?" I turned to look at him and he was smiling that beautiful smile of his. My heart always melted to that one. "Of course, Len-chan. Always" I placed the watermelon down on the plate and gave him a hug, which he returned after we seconds hugging me back. "No matter what happens" Gosh, I love you Len-chan. Don't you see it? Can't you feel my heart raceing? But how could I tell him. I don't want to loose him and ruin our friendship. He would turn me down, he couldn't possibly feel the same towards me. After the years we've been friends, I thought I knew everything about him...


Tomorrow was the competion, but I wasn't happy. My parents had told me that we were leaving, moving to the city. Today. Right now, we lived on the countryside. I still hadn't told Len-chan about it. How am I suppose to tell him I'm leaving today without starting to cry? He's my best and only friend for god sake. I looked at the clock, 12:15. I had few hours left before the train would come. Please, Len-chan, don't make this any harder than it is. "(Y/N)-chan!" Len-chan happily greeted me when I came to our treehouse. It already made me sad to change that happy smile of his. "Len-chan.....I have to tell you something" He quickly got off of the swing he was on and came opposite me. "What is it (Y/N)-chan?" Why you have to be so adorable? How could I leave you here! Tears were already falling down my cheeks. "L-Len-chan, I'm sorry.......but..... my family and I..... are leaving...... to" I was now crying like a little baby. I looked up at Len-chan who was just looking at me surprised. "Len-chan, I.....I....." For the first time I tried to confess my love for him, but the words didn't come out. So, I just hugged him like my life would depend on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried. He slowly wrapped his around my waist. For few minutes we stayed like that. "(Y/N), it's time" I heard my dad call. Both me and Len-chan didn't let go. Would I ever see him again if I'd let go? "Len-chan, I......I've.......I'll miss you" I let go and looked at my best friend with teary eyes. Len-chan walked us to the train station and waited together our train. This whole time Len-chan hadn't cried at all. I thought that he wanted to look like a man and hold his tears, but I knew that in his heart he was crying. The train came and the doors opened. I looked how my parents went inside. If I wouldn't see him after this, I might make it a good goodbye. So, I kissed his cheek and said: "Bye bye Len-chan" Then I stepped on the train and turned to look at Len-chan. He was surprised until the doors closed. When the train started to move, tears fell down his cheeks. He ran beside the train and said something which I couldn't understaind. He ran and ran until he got left behind. I was crying again. "I love you....Len-chan......always" After that my life began in Osaka.........without my best friend.

*End of flashback*

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