Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. "Alright, alright. I'm already up" It was 6:30. A school day, which would start at 8'clock if I would be early. "Morning Len-chan" I picked up the photo of my best friend and first love. Before placeing it down to the night table, I gave it a small kiss. Yes, ever since I came to live in Osaka, I haven't forgotten my feelings towards Len-chan or him. I placed the picture back to the night table and quickly got dressed to my school uniform. I decided to tie my (H/C) on a ponytail and put little bit of make up on. The dream I saw last night was about Len-chan. I had went back to our old house and he was there. I was about to confess to him but I woke up. I quickly ate some breakfast and left to school. My parents were both working in a computer company. They were always working. Every now and then they came home. Luckily, I'm used to it now. "I wonder how Len-chan is doing" Every single day I was thinking about him. Is he doing well? Does he still live in the countryside? Is he happy? "Morning (Y/N)" My best friend (B/F/N) waved at me from the school gates. Of course she wasn't as best friend as Len-chan. He would always be my best friend, but me and (B/F/N) have been friends ever since I came in Osaka. So, to call her a best friend is the propper way. "Morning (B/F/N)" We started walking together to our shoelockers. "So, what do you think of that guy? He's kind of cute" (B/F/N) said pointing at a tall guy with a blond hair and glasses. Somehow his hight and blond hair reminded me of Len-chan. Of course he wasn't Len-chan, but still. "We'll always be best friends, right?" Suddenly the guy looked at our direction confused. "(Y/N)?" "Huh?" Yep, not Len-chan. I put my shoes on the locker and closed it. "He'sn't my type" Even when me and (B/F/N) friends for such a long time, I haven't told her about Len-chan. Not a single word. Not even that I already have someone I love. "C'mon, he was totally your type. Every time there's a boy woth blond hair, you always look at him for quite a while before saying: he's not my type" Has there really been that many? Well, (B/F/N) was trying to find me a guy. Don't ask me why. "I just.....I'm not ready for a relationship right now" I said when we came to my class. "Sure you are, the way you look at the blond guys? Believe me, you are ready" She said winking and smiling at me. "I guess so, I'll see you at lunch" "Okay" Did I really look all the blond guys the way I looked at Len-chan? Sure there were few blond giys in my class but, I didn't think of them more than a classmate. I took my books out of my bag and placed them on the desk. Have I really been that long in here? It feels like it was yesterday when I had said goodbye to Len-chan at the train station. I looked out of the window thinking about Len-chan that I didn't see our teacher coming to class. If I would see Len-chan now, would he remember me?


Could school be any boring as this? I thought to myself just before the bell rang. "Yes, lunch break" While taking my lunch out from my school bag, (B/F/N) came to me. "(Y/N), have you heard?!" She almost shouted while I stood up. "Heard what?" "The vocaloid singers are performing here Osaka today!" I had never seen her that excited about anything. Her eyes were full of hapiness. "Who are they?" I asked while walking to our usual place, the roof top. "You don't know? Where is your head? The famous vocaloid singers: Miku, Kaito, Luca, Meiko, Rin and Len" What? I felt my heart skip a beat to the sudden familiar name. "Len who?" "Len Kagamine of course" No, that couldn't be right. Len-chan wasn't a singer. He was a normal boy. I sat down confused. "Look here, all the vocaloids" She showed me a poster of them all.

 "Look here, all the vocaloids" She showed me a poster of them all

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And there he was. Same looking boy as my best friend and love whom I haven't seen in ages. But he couldn't possible be my Len-chan. Or could he? "This is Kaito up here and Luca here and Meiko here. This in the middle is Miku. And this is Rin and this is his brother Len" What? Now, that clears it then. My Len-chan didn't have a sister. But the same looks they both had, still made me confused. "So, will you come with me to the conzert? I already bought two tickets" "How famous they are?" After I said that, I covered my mouth. Why would I want to know that? That boy isn't Len-chan. "Are you seriously asking me that?" I nodded still looking at the poster. After few minutes (B/F/N) showed me a video which title was: Vocaloid is famous?. It included videos, pictures, figurines, dolls and all kind of information. I couldn't help but stare confused. That boy looked exactly like my Len-chan. His hight? Same. His eye cholor? Same. His hair cholor? Same. His skin cholor? Same. His smile? Same. Everything about him was same. Even his style for clothes. What made me most confused was...... why I hadn't known anything about this until now. "So, are you coming to the conzert?" (B/F/N) asked when the video ended and started eating her lunch. Just now I noticed few tears coming down my cheeks. Was that REALLY Len-chan? My best friend? My first love?

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