Chapter 3

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If that boy was the Len-chan I know, then I really didn't know him at all. Now that I thought about it, he never told me anything about his family or where he lived. I guess I didn't care about it then. But, if he was the Len-chan I know: who was he? "S-sure, that would be fun" I finally answered wiping the fallen tears away. I had to know if that boy was my Len-chan, I just had to. Right then the school bell rang, lunch break was over. I hadn't eaten anything. "Great, I'll come pick you up at 6, the concert starts at 7" I went back in my class and sit on my seat. Sighing I looked at the poster, which I forgot to give back to (B/F/N). "(Y/N)-san, didn't you eat your lunch?" Shiro, my classmate whom I talked to every now and then, asked surprised. He was the other one with blond hair in my class. "I just...... something came up that I forgot to eat" Smiling I put the lunch box back in my bag. "How can you forget to eat?" "That's what I'd like to know" The class started and I looked out of the window again. One of the clouds looked like Len-chan. I could hear his happy laughter in my ears. "It's ready (Y/N)-chan" I wonder if Len-chan took our project to that competion the next day. I'm pretty sure we would have won. It was so good and we worked so hard on that one. Len-chan, are you really a famous vocaloid singer?


17:50, any minute now (B/F/N) would come to pick me up. I was already nervous and having butterflyes in my stomach. I was wearing my short (F/C) dress, black leggins and small high heels. Somehow, I was also happy. If that 'Len' was my Len-chan, then I was going to see him for the first time since I last saw him. Then there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my keys and phone and put them in my bag. "Hi (Y/N), you look pretty" "Thanks, so do you" Every step I took, I felt more and more nervous. Why? I don't know. Maybe, because my feelings towards Len-chan hadn't changed. I still did love him, but the question why he hadn't told me he was a famous singer, still made me sad and confused. "Wow, they sure are famous" The concert house was full of young girls and boys. Some of them had even dolls of the vocaloids and some t-shirts on. What surprised me the most was that there were even few tables full of vocaloid stuff. "Hey (Y/N), let's buy vocaloid dolls" (B/F/N) said taking a hold of my hand and dragging me to one of the tables selling vocaloid dolls. "I'd like Kaito, please" There was Miku dolls, Luca dolls, Kaito dolls, Meiko dolls, Rin dolls and even Len dolls. I took one of the Len dolls and looked at it.

 I took one of the Len dolls and looked at it

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Same as my Len-chan. "Do you like Len?" "Eh? I....." My cheeks flushed red and my heart skipped a beat. "C'mon, I'll buy you a Len doll" Again, I couldn't say the words. Would I ever be able to tell Len-chan about my feelings? After few hours, we were finally able to go to our seats. The concert hall was huge and the stage even bigger. "I can't wait it to start and see Kaito" (B/F/N) said happily hugging his Kaito doll. I glanced at the Len doll I was holding. Was it really him? I didn't know, but I wanted to find out. Suddenly, the lights started to went down and came dark. The concert was starting and the music started playing. Everyone screamed, but not me. Then they came, all the vocaloid singers on the stage.

 Then they came, all the vocaloid singers on the stage

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