Blue beetle x villian! Reader Pay Up Buttercup!

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A/N: ok first off I hope this is as cheesy as I think it is. Hope you enjoy.
V/N - villain name
F/C - favorite color
E/C- eye color
N/N - nick name


"V/N has robbed a bank yet again. Why is it that the Justice League can't stop this teenager." Gordon said on the TV.  Jaime turned off the TV not wanting to hear Gordon rant on about how bad the Justice League is.  "Jaime time the bus is here." Jaime's mom yelled from the kitchen.  "Thanks bye Mom." Jaime yelled as he ran out the door and got on the bus.  He sat next to Y/N because you were alone and because you two were friends.  "Ola Jaime." Y/N said as he sat down.  "Hey Y/N."  "So did you hear about V/N robbing a bank again." Jaime asked.  "Yeah and that the Justice League couldn't stop her."  Jaime liked that he could talk about villains and about the Justice League with Y/N.  He looked at you E/C and then saw that you were wearing your F/C t-shirt.  "What are you doing after school N/N?" Faith your best friend asked you.  "Nothing and please stop calling me N/N it gets on my nerves." Y/N said to her BFF.  "So do you ever rate superheroes Y/N?" Faith suddenly asks out of curiosity.  "Yes why are you asking?"  "Well because I want to know that's all."  Faith then smirks at you and Jaime.  "Who are you top ten, huh N/N?" "Really Faith are you serious right now?" "Yes and answer the question." Y/N sighed knowing that she couldn't win.  "Fine number 10 is Nightwing, 9 is Robin, 8 is Superboy, 7 is Batman because he is awesome, 6 is Aqualad, 5 is Beast boy, 4 is Cyborg, 3 is Kid Flash, 2 is Impulse and 1 is Blue beetle. You happy now." Y/N looked at Jaime who now felt awkward sitting next to Y/N because he didn't know that she liked him.  He liked her too but just wasn't sure if he was ready for that kind of thing.  Y/N felt so embarrassed that you even said Blue beetle.  You knew Jaime was Blue beetle because you were V/N. 

---Time skip ( brought to you by me laziness)---

  After school Y/N went to an abandoned house and changed into V/N. V/N then ran out of the house and snuck into the bank. She grabbed her bag and started to stuff the money in it. She heard a noise outside and stopped. V/N knew what she was doing was wrong but she would get killed if she didn't do this. Y/N zipped up the bag and ran outside only to find the young Justice League waiting for her. Y/N grabbed her daggers and threw them at Beast Boy. "V/N surrender now and we won't have to fight." Nightwing said in a calm manner. "I can't they will kill me if I don't do this." They all looked at V/N and saw that she was about to break down.  V/N then started crying and fell on the ground.  Jaime started feeling bad for V/N but he didn't know why.  The team looked at her and decided to try and help her.  "Who is going to kill you?" Nightwing asked V/N.  "Death stroke said he would kill me if I didn't help him." They all stared at V/N in disbelief.  She was still crying uncontrollably, so they decided to take her to the Watchtower.  Y/N was so scared and horrified right now.  Blue Beetle went over to V/N to try and calm her.  He sat next to her and said calming things to her.  She looked at him and decided she would tell Jaime who she really was and to tell him her feelings towards him.  While he was stroking her back to calm her he saw her lift her hand up to where her mask was.  She pulled off the mask and slowly looked up at Jaime.  He was shocked when he saw your e/c.  "Y/N!" He said clearly shocked that his friend was V/N.  "Jaime I am so sorry that I didn't tell you but I was trying to protect you because I love you, I love you Jaime."  Jaime took off his armor and looked at Y/N.  "Te amo Y/N."  You looked up shocked that he loved you back.  "Don't worry Y/N I will help you get out of this."  Y/N moved closer to Jaime and kissed him.

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