Robin(Tim Drake) x Villian!Reader Cat got your tongue

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   V/N- villian name
Y/N- Your name
I was chained to the wall by the Riddler and couldn't get out.  My powers weren't working either.  Every time I tried to use them they wouldn't work.  Whoa ok so this isn't how my story starts.  Hi I'm Y/N and I'm 14.  My allies is V/N.  I'm a shapeshifter and I also have a sonic howl.  So about how my story starts, well you see, it's not what you might expect. 

2 Days ago

   I was in my school just doing what I always do, pretending to listen and write notes when in real life I'm drawing superheroes.  "Y/N what is the cause of World War I?"  "The cause of World War I was nationalism."  The teacher nodded and went on teaching.  After history class I went to lunch I went and sat at an empty table all by myself.  I wasn't a social person so I tended to sit alone.  While I was eating I saw a boy walking towards the table I was at.  I put my head down and started drawing again.  He then sat at the table, I thought he was going to sit with the jocks at the other table.  I looked up at him.  He smiled and I was sure that I had seen him somewhere.  "Hi I'm Tim Drake, I'm new here."  "I'm Y/N nice to meet you."  I looked at him for a sec and then looked at my drawing which I was trying to hide, but he noticed it.  He looked at me and so I pulled the drawing out from under my tray so that he could see it.  He looked at it for a few seconds.  "You into superheroes too?"  "Yeah I think they're cool and they are always kicking butt."  (Ok so this is how I meet Tim/Robin.  This may not have turned out like an actual beginning story.  This is important though because I'm Catwoman's sidekick.)  I looked at the picture I had drawn of Robin then looked at Tim they had a lot of the same traits.  I connected the dots and figured out that he was Robin. 

The Next Day

   I was leaving the school when I saw Tim following me. "What's up Tim?" He looked at me sheepishly then came over. We had just met yesterday but we were already the best of friends. "Iwas wondering if you wanted to come over to study for the math test." "Sure why not." We went back to the school yard and waited for Alfred to pick us up.
------Time Skip-------
We got to Wayne Manner and went to his room to study.  After an hour or so of studying I was starting to get bored.  "So what now cause I'm getting bored."  "Well we could play a game."  I looked at him suspiciously and nodded my head.  "What kind of game."  "Well it goes like this, first you have to hold hands.."  I looked at him and did it.  'What is he planning." I asked myself. "Then you need to come right here..."  He pointed to the spot right next to him no space so we would be touching.  "Now what?  Because I think I know what's next."  "Oh really then what's next?" I smirked and then kissed him.   He kissed back and I was so happy. 

Present Time

I was chained to the wall by Riddler and couldn't get out.  My powers weren't working either.  Every Time I tried to use them they wouldn't work.  "What do you want Riddler?"  "Well I've heard your going out with the boy wonder and that just won't do."  "Seriously Riddler, like when did you become my mother."  After a minute I saw Robin and I knew I was safe but I also knew that I was probably going to jail now.  "Let her go Riddler."  "Here if you can solve my riddle then I'll let her go. 
                                      I'm more important then God
                                      Poor people have me, rich people need me
                                     What am I"
I instantly knew what it was because it was my favorite riddle.  Ti..I mean Robin thought hard for a minute then looked at me.  "The answer is Nothing."  The Riddler looked shocked and I laughed at him.  He unlocked the chains and let me go.  Then Robin knocked him out.  "Thanks Tim...I mean Robin. Thanks Robin."  "How did you know?"  "Just did know come on oh and by the way I'll always be the villain your never getting me to change sides!"

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