Beast boy x reader I'm Sorry

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   A/N:  yay I'm doing a beast boy x reader hope you like.
W/C - weapon of choice

Y/N was walking to her house after school. You took a shortcut so that you could get there faster. Y/N decided to go through an ally that you were familiar with to get home. Y/N was halfway through the ally when she felt a hand around your mouth and a knife up to your neck. Y/N struggled to get out of this person's grip but had no avail. Then the Young Justice team arrived. "Let her go Joker." Robin said as Y/N felt a sharp pain on your neck. "Oh your never any fun Boy Wonder." The Joker said with a cackle. You looked around frantically trying to find something that you could use as a weapon. Then you remember that you hid a w/c in your boot. You slowly raised up your boot and grabbed your w/c. You stabbed Joker with it in the chest. His hands came off you and he fell on the ground bleeding. The team stared in disbelief. You looked at the team and instantly found a green boy with a monkey tail. You thought he looked kinda cute. While you were staring at the team the Joker threw his knife and it stabbed your left leg. You scream in pain and fall on the ground. The team runs over to you and the green monkey boy as you called him picked you up. They took you to a hospital and made sure you were okay. "What were you doing in that ally?" Nightwing asks you. "I go through that ally to get to my house quicker." You notice the monkey boy again and wonder who some of the others are too. "Who are you guys?" "We are the Young Justice team and this is Robin, Blue beetle, Wonder girl, Batgirl, Beast boy and I'm Nightwing." "O-okay." You look at Beast boy and then turn your head to look at the rest of the small team. You knew there were more and that this was only a small part of it. "So who are you exactly?" Robin asks all of a sudden. "My name is Y/N also known as the SH/N." They all look at you in shock. They had just found SH/N and now know her real name. "Wait your SH/N who is that possible?" Beast boy asked looking right at you. "Well it is just something I like to do and plus how else am I supposed to use my powers."

-----------Time Skip (because I'm getting writers block)---------

You were know a member of the Young Justice team. You lived in the Watchtower with them because while you were on a mission everyone found out that the hostages were your parents and Captain Cold killed them. After that event you weren't your happy, quirky self. Beast boy knew how you felt and tried to help you. The two of you had actually become good friends.

Today was the day that your parents were killed and couldn't take it. Beast boy came into your room and saw you crying. It had only been one year ago and it still effected you. He came over to you and sat down next to you. You noticed him and he wrapped his arms around you and tried to soothe you. "It's going to be okay Y/N, it's going to be okay." He said things that helped you and gradually you stopped crying. You looked at Beast boy who started getting closer to you. You had know idea what he was doing. While you were still processing things you felt his lips on yours. Butterflies began to build up in you stomach and you kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck.

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