Jiame Reyes x Reader

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have school and it's hard to get time to work on it.

You were the new foreign exchange student at Y/S. You were from Germany and had just transferred to this school in America. You definitely were not expecting people to think that you were cool. Your principal walked you to your first class and you walked through the door. Your teacher Mrs. Snipers walked over to you. "Class this is our new foreign exchange student Y/F/N and she will be with us all year long." Everyone looked at you and smiled. A girl with brown hair and green eyes then spoke up. "What country are you from?" You smiled and looked at everyone. "Vell I'm from Germany."
Jaime's POV
The new girl is from Germany well that's different. Another girl said, "Woah cool accent!" She looked nice but she also looked like she was shy. Mrs. Snipers had her sit next to me.  She was pretty and had h/c hair.  She seemed a little nervous but it was her first day so she had a right to be nervous. After class she asked if I could help her find her next class.  "Yeah no problem.  Oh and I'm Jaime."  She smiled. "I'm Y/N nice to meet you Jaime."  I had all the same classes as Y/N.  We became friends really fast. 

One week later
   School had just ended when my uncle Lenard Snart called me.  "Y/N I need your help robbing a museum tonight."  "Ok I vill be there there in a few."  I sighed I was hoping to spend time with Jaime but oh well. I got to my friends apartment and changed into my costume. I got to Central city by boom tube.  I got to the museum and find kid flash, blue beetle, and red robin there.  "Great," I groaned, "This is just swell."  I really didn't need to end up in Juvenile hall, I mean what would Jaime think of me then.  "Vell, know I know vhy you need my help Cold."  All three boys turned and looked at me.  "Um.. who are you chica?" Blue beetle asked me.  "I'm v/n, I'm surprised you haven't heard of me."  They looked at each other like they have heard of me or was thinking something. 

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