Tim Drake x reader

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A/n: ⚠️ Warnings talk of suicide if you are triggered or sensitive to this please skip this story.

Y/n pov
It was a peaceful night in Gotham for the time being and I was planning and having it stay that way for me. I was by myself (mistake #1) and was heading towards my favorite place and hideout in an abandoned building. I had to get away from my foster parents they were being manipulative assholes again and abused me physically and mentally. My foster father had hit me with an empty alcohol bottle leaving my arm a bloody mess. "Mother why did you leave me like this!" I screamed into the night as I was in the crime district of Gotham. I got to the building and went inside only to find Black mask and his goons on my turf. "Mask what are you doing on my turf ?!" Black Mask turned to me and smiled sickly, "awe y/n nice to see you I'm here to offer you a deal." He then pulls out a gun and aims it at me. "You give me your turf or I will end your pathetic life." I glared at Black Mask. I knew I wouldn't win no matter what I tried plus I was losing blood. "Fine but at least let me get my medical supplies out of here as you can see I'm slightly injured. Mask nodded and I got my supplies and left. As I was walking to the Gotham park I started to feel the effects of my blood loss. "Shit." All of a sudden I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye. "Who's th-there!" I silently curse myself for stuttering, when robin and Red hood step out of the shadows. "Are you okay, Miss?" Red hood asked. I was about to answer when I feel my legs give out and I fall to the ground. "Help me" is all I get out before I pass out.

Tim's pov
Jason and Damian come back to the cave with a girl who's left arm was super bloody. "What happened?" Dick asked before I could. "We found the girl out on patrol and when we went to see what happened she passed out so we brought her here. Go get Alfred he can help me patching her arm." Jason informs us rather quickly. I walk over and look at the girl. She looked familiar in a way I then look at Damien. The two looked really similar almost like... siblings? "Damien did your mom happen to have any other kids?" Damien looks at me weird before answering, "yes she had one other, why are you asking this?" I look at him and then look back at the girl. "It's just she looks like she could be related to you. Did you know your sibling." Damien frowned, "no I did not, Drake. And all mother told me was that my sibling was a child of John Constantine's and a disappointment to her. Constantine also has no idea they exist." I look at the girl and go over to Jason and Alfred. "I wanna sample of her blood can I see one of the clothes you used. Jason nodded and handed me one, hearing my conversation with Damien. I then go to the computer with Damien behind me. "What are you planning on doing?" "I plan on running her blood against yours, Talia's and Constantine's blood." Damien sighs, "do you really think she is my sister?" Damien looks demeaningly at the girl. I ignore him and start the blood samples. All three matched her blood perfectly. Damien stood there silent then speaking, "you have got to be joking. No wonder mother called her a disappointment. She can't even defend herself." I turn to Damien and glare at him. "You are such an asshole, Damien. She's your half sister have some respect." Damien was about to say something when we heard a gasp.

"Where am I ?" The girl was up now and looked around seeing all of us. Jason was the first to speak. "You passed out from blood loss so I brought you to the bat cave to fix your arm up." She turned to him and mumbled a thank you. He nodded and looked at me. "Red Robin take care of her while I inform Batman of our guest." I nod and walk up to her. She had beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous h/c hair. She looked at me and then looked at her arm that was wrapped up. "How did that happen to you?" She frowned "it wasn't by a villain or thug I'll tell you that." Damien and Dick came over hearing her say that. "Then how did you get hurt that bad?" Dick asked as he sat down. The girl stayed silent for a minute before speaking. "It was my foster parents they were drunk and we got in a fight next thing I know my 'father' hit me in the arm with an alcohol bottle." We were all silent. Damien looked at her and I saw his face go red. "It's fine it's not the first time I've been beaten up pretty bad. My mother probably would've done worse." We stood there shocked. Jason then came back into the room with Bruce. "Alfred take her to one of the guest rooms upstairs." Alfred nodded and led the girl upstairs. "So her blood matches with Talia, Constantine and Damien?" I nodded towards Bruce. "Yes it does but apparently Constantine doesn't know she exists, Talia had abandoned her here in Gotham and she has abusive foster parents. I can run her through the foster system and find out more." Bruce nodded and I went to work. I found her file and quickly opened it for Bruce to see. "Y/n Constantine, 15, February 5" was the first few details the rest was foster families she has been in. "Tim go check on her I need to make a call." I nod and go upstairs to check on her.

I get to the guest room and knock on the door. "Come in." I open the door and walk in to see y/n sitting on the bed. "Are you alright?" "She looked at me and then down at her arm. "Can I ask you something?" "Sure." She sighs, "have you ever felt so worthless and pathetic and realize that absolutely no one cares about you? Have you ever realized that if you just ended everything no one would give a fuck about you? I mean obviously no one cares if your mother abandons you, you have no idea about your father and every other person on this planet could give less of a damn about you." I stand there shocked. "No one would care if I died and I almost did tonight. Honestly I wish Black Mask had shot me when he had the chance." I hug her. "You are super important please don't say things like that. You matter so much and I promise I'm here for you if you need me." She looks down broken and smiles sadly. "Thank you."

A few days later Constantine made it from England and practically ran into the mansion as fast as he could. Him and Bruce talked for a while before going to y/n's room.

Y/n pov
   John Constantine, the father I never knew I had, came into my room.  He looked at me and sat down next to me. "Y/n I am so sorry that I was never there for you.  Talia never told me about you and I am sorry that you have had to deal with being in foster care."  I nod and for a moment everything seems alright.  We get to know each other and he offers to take me with him back to England and be the father he never got to be.  I hugged him and cried not because I was sad but because I finally had a place to belong.  I thanked Bruce and the boys for letting me stay and then I went with my father to England.  Hoping one day I would get to see the Batfam again.

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