Wally West(Kid Flash) x Reader

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A/N: I have decided to do this hope everyone likes it😉
     You were walking down the street when you saw Icicle Jr.  You looked at him and saw that he was getting closer to you.  "Hey what a beautiful girl like you doing out here?"  You froze scared to death.  He was about to say something when you felt arms around you and the wind in your face.  You looked up and saw none other than Kid Flash.  "Kid Flash!!"  You were so excited that you got saved by your favorite hero in the Young Justice team.  "You know it babe."  He put you down and you hugged him.  He hugged you back and you smiled.  "I'm Y/N."  You smiled at his goofy smile.  "Wally West."  You were shocked that he just told you his real name.  "Wait did you just tell me your secret identity?"  "Yes you won't tell anyone right Y/N?"  You nodded and started your way home. 

-----A Week Later------

   School had started back up and you were going to Central City High School.   When you got there you bumped into a red haired boy with freckles.  "Oops sorry."  When you looked up you were surprised to see that it was Wally.  "Wally!"  "Oops sorry Y/N."  He said as he helped you up.  "I didn't know you would be here."  "Yep this is where I go to school."  "Cool!"  You two had talked after you had met.  You had a small crush on him.  He showed you to your classes and sat with you at lunch.  After school he walked you to your house.  You had found out that you two were neighbors.  The two of you got to your house and Wally was about to open the door for you when you kissed him and ran into the house and into your room.  Wally stood there shocked and smiled afterwards.

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