Chapter 11

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We stood at a standstill but we couldn't debate over this long, his friend was gonna come in here looking for them and the other one might wake up. I volunteered to tie up the guy in the room.

"Do y'all have any rope or anything to tie his hands, it wouldn't be safe for us if he got up and started moving around." I said.

The McGregor's were still processing the situation, even shocked by how calm I was, but this was life or death, freaking out wouldn't help any of us. After a minute of silence, Mitch gave me an answer.

"The rope is in the barn, but you can just use old sheets, or duct tape. You can find it in the room he's in."

I tilted my head when he mentioned duct tape, it's sturdy but for tying someone up, it doesn't seem useful. Either way I went to go look for it, only to see him, about to walk out the door. Without even thinking, I kicked him where the sun don't shine, and ripped the gun from his hand. He was in pain, but I didn't know what else to do.

Shakily, I raised my hand with the gun aimed at his head.

"Zara, don't." River said.

I heard him, but his words sounded muffled. I could only think of what he could do if I let him go, what his friends did to River's parents, and what they are trying to do to us. Anger. That's all I could feel, with my blood pounding in my ears, my hand tensing on the pistol, and my finger twitching on the trigger.

It don't matter what happens to him, just one less problem to worry about. He was gonna do the same to us I just got to get him first. What's another dead body gonna matter?

But a tiny part of me didn't want to kill him, the rational part. Someone grabbed my hands and I almost pulled the trigger. Breathing heavily I turned around to see River, he looked worried, an expression I didn't usually see. His lips were moving but all the blood in my head made it hard to focus on his words.

He took the gun out of my hands but kept it pointed at the man. He continued talking to me, while saying something to them behind me. The blood flow started to slow down, and I tuned into what was being said.

"This is our most only option." He said. I didn't hear what he said before that, but I heard the front door open.

"Get down." Detective Shaw whispered to the McGregor's.

Shaw moved the man towards the door and keeping the gun pointed at his back, had the two of them meet up. Then he shot the two of them, and at the same time River shot the guy in front of us.

River might think he saved me from becoming a murderer, but I turned him into one. It was my idea to kill them, and looking at River I could see how pale he was, the sweat dripping off his face, and his hands still shaking with the gun. I reached out to hold his hands and his shaking slowly stopped.

"What are we doing with the bodies?" I asked.

Before I could answer, shots fired off into the house, and I immediately dived down, grabbing River with me. Looking around I saw the McGregor's hadn't had time to move and they were shot where they sat. Bullets ripped through their bodies, and blood poured from the holes in their torsos. We thought we had saved them, but in the end, more blood was on our hands.

The detective was on the ground shielding himself from the pieces of glass, and wood that rained down. I looked up at Freya and only could see her lifeless eyes as her body shook with the bullets that shot into her, soon a pool of blood was around them. Mitch had been standing, but a bullet hit him in the head sending him to the floor, soon the firing stopped.

We didn't move, we couldn't. They were outside the house, blocking our exit, we hoped they would leave without looking to see if we were killed.

"Let's run out into the woods before they come inside." As soon as I said that, something came flying through the window.

I looked at it and my eyes grew wide, quickly I pulled up River, dragging him to the back door with me. Looking at the detective I saw him flash me a smile, and motioned for me to go. He got up and ran into the kitchen. Sprinting me and River took off outside, somehow he found time to grab his shotgun, but the two of us kept running. The house blew up, could feel the heat from the explosion against our backs.

Detective Shaw couldn't have survived that, he died because of us, because of me. The McGregors were dead because of me, those men were dead because of me, but I can at least say River is alive because of me. One person at least survived, but now what were we gonna do. We have nothing except the clothes we're wearing, a shotgun, and a pistol.

We continued to run, not stopping until the smell of smoke left our noses, and our feet ached. When we stopped I looked up into the trees and cried like no tomorrow. River sat next to me, frozen in a state of shock, and just stared into space, until he too started crying. He held me in his arms, until I passed out from exhaustion.

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