Chapter 22

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Waking up, my throat felt dry, and I noticed that I was still in River's room. I turned my head to the side, seeing River's faces only inches from mine, and his arm was around my waist. I felt my face get hot from embarrassment, as I tried to quietly move out of his grasp. River's grip got tighter, so I stopped moving until he loosened his grip.

As soon as he loosened his grip I rolled out of the bed onto the floor.

"Ow," I groaned. I stood up, and saw River awake with an amused smile.

"Sorry, I'm going to the kitchen to get a drink." I said sheepishly, making sure not to look him in the eye.

He chuckled, put his head back down and went to sleep. I crept out the door, checking the halls for anyone. If Dakota got wind of me sleeping in River's room, I don't think she'll just let that slide.

I quickly walked in the direction of the stairs, not liking the eerie silence that permeated the house. I had no idea how late it was, but judging by the quiet house, it was probably past midnight. I carefully descend the steps, and look around for the kitchen.

I hear footsteps, but I assume it's one of the members patrolling. Walking down the dimly lit hall in search of the kitchen I see a light. Stepping into the room I feel my foot step into a liquid. Slowly I look down, hoping it isn't what I think it is. But it was. On the floor there was a puddle of blood, and it felt warm, meaning it was fresh. I turned around ready to bolt back up the stairs, when I felt someone grab me. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I fought against the attacker, trying to escape their grasp. I clawed the arm around my neck, swung my foot behind me, doing everything I could to break free. I elbowed them in the stomach several times, but I got weaker with each attack as the arm tightened around my neck. I slowly faded out of consciousness.

"You won't escape me now." I heard a husky voice whisper, before I completely passed out.

River's POV

I didn't go back to sleep after she had left the room. I was thinking back to our talk from earlier, but I noticed that she was taking a while to come back up. I went to her room, only to see she wasn't there, then I went downstairs. I'm probably over thinking this, she is just fine. I reached the first floor and saw a silhouette in the hall by the kitchen. I assume it's Zara, so I chased after her, but when we got outside, the light from the moon told me otherwise.

Romanoff smiled at me, Zara was on his shoulder, unconscious.

"Let her go," I commanded.

"Ah, you, and if I don't?"

"I'll kill you," I pulled out the pistol from my pocket, the same time Romanoff took out his. I took careful aim so as not to hit Zara. I fired at his leg, causing him to fall. He let out a few curse words then, shot at me.

I ran to a tree for cover. Turning towards him I shot another bullet at him, but it missed.


I felt the sting of the bullet, looking down I saw the blood pouring from chest, I touched it, not believing this was real. I dropped to my knees, staring at my hand, then I looked over at Romanoff, then to the house to see everyone rushing out. I heard nothing, only a constant ringing as I lost consciousness.

Zara's POV

In my unconsciousness I had no clue of what was happening. I didn't even have dreams in my drug induced sleep. But when I woke up, I didn't expect to hear the words that left Dakota's mouth.

"You're lying," I said, barely above a whisper.

She punched me in the face, sending my head flying back. I looked at her, the pain and frustration etched into her face, the tears that wouldn't stop, and the anger in her eyes.

"It's all your fault!" She screamed, as her members tried to hold her back.

"Can you guys escort her to her room?" Avery asked. They nodded and quickly left.

Avery sat down beside me in the bed.

"Tell me she's lying." I begged, tears on the brink of falling.

"It's not something Dakota would lie about. It isn't something expected either, that guy got onto the compound easily, and killed several members."

I could care less about Romanoff at the moment, even though he tried to kidnap me.

"Can I see him?" I asked trying to keep the tears at bay, until I could see the truth for myself.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now."

"Avery, I need to know. I don't want to believe it, but please take me to him."

I grabbed his arm, and pleaded him with my eyes. He let out a sigh, but he motioned for me to follow him. We stood at his door, I was too scared to open it, but Avery wouldn't open it. I took in a deep breath, and opened the door.

Inside I could see him on the bed, looking so peaceful. It was like he was taking a nap, except his complexion had become a lot paler than it usually was. I somewhat expected him to jump up and tell me it was just a joke, but he didn't.

"No, no, this isn't real." I said to myself. "This is just a dream. Maybe if I pinch myself it will end."

I pinched my arms multiple times and with so much force I began to bleed. Avery grabbed my hands to stop me.

"Avery, why isn't this working? Isn't this all just a dream?" I asked.

I finally let the tears fall, as I bawled in Avery's arms, in complete shock about River.

Why can't I just be happy?

A/N: There was a lot of stuff happening in this chapter, even raised a few questions. All will be explained in the next chapter like why did Romanoff try to kidnap Zara, or anything else that piqued your curiosity. Hope you liked this chapter, please vote and comment. :3 :3

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