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Pre warning- offensive language!

Joe rolls his eyes and opens the door before heading upstairs. "Hey Niamhy what's up with you?" her mum asks as Matthew is sleeping in the moses basket.

Niamh starts to cry and her mum comes over to her. "Oh dear what's happened Niamhy, come and sit down" Barbara says as it's just her and Matthew in the living room, Niamh just stands there crying.

"What's happened darling, you were so happy earlier?" Barbara says.

"I'm such an idiot" she cries.

"Why's that?" she asks as she pulls her into a hug and rubs her shoulder.

"I'm a failure... A screw up... Why did I do this" she cries.

"Do what?" Barbara asks confused.

"Let life get to me... I shouldn't of had him" she cries.

Barbara looks at her totally confused, "explain to me" she says, Niamh starts to hyperventilate as she is hysterical.

"Hey it's alright, deep breaths" Barbara says.
"What's up sweetheart?" she asks again as Niamh has started to calm down but is still crying.

She takes her into the lounge and tells Chloe to go away for a bit, Niamh looks at Matthew asleep in his Moses basket and breaks down even more.
"Now tell me what's bothering you? I don't like seeing you this upset, now come on...talk to me" she says.

"Mum should of I had Matthew in the first place? I'm seriously doubting my parenting skills" she mutters.

"Why? Barbara asks still a but confused.

"I'm so crap... Look at me I can't even calm him down without Joe and I've just blew my relationship with him, I could of given him up for adoption or just got rid of him" Niamh says.

"Oh Niamh, yes you can! Don't be silly Joe loves you! Anyway has something happened between you two? Where is he anyway? What's brought all this on?" Barbara asks as she starts to ask a million and one questions.

Niamh rolls her eyes "he could be half way around the world for all I care" Niamh mutters as she drapes her arm over the edge of the sofa so her fingers slightly strokes Matthew's hand.

"Why? What's happened?" she asks again hoping to get an answer.

"He's an idiot" Niamh mutters.

"That doesn't tell me what's happened" her mum says.

"Well I'd like to know what I've done wrong too" Joe says from the door as he comes upstairs.

Niamh tries to wipe her tears away to not let on she has been crying, Joe walks over to them and goes to lift Matthew up.

"Don't touch him" Niamh snaps.

"Niamh!" Barbara says.

"What!" Niamh snaps as she leans over and picks Matthew up.

"One of you explain to me what's going on right now!" Barbara says.

"Search me... We was just sat there and she went off on one" Joe says.

"Joe you agrivated me...you weren't listening...I don't think you care" she mumbles before starting to cry again.

Joe goes forwards to take Matthew off Niamh "come here just let me have him" he says.

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