Confidence building

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Niamh puts her legs up on the bed and rocks him slowly. She pats his bum and he stares at her with his thumb in his mouth, "here take your dummy sweetheart" Niamh says as she tries to take his thumb out of his mouth but he starts to whine.

"Fine" Niamh says as he takes hold of the dummy in his other hand and rubs it against his cheek.

He looks up at he sleepily, "sucking his thumb? That's a new one" Joe says as he lies beside Niamh.

"It is indeed" Niamh smiles.

"I used to do it when I was a baby, I have one thumb smaller than the other" Niamh laughs.

"You what?" Joe says.

"Sucked my thumb" Niamh says.

"No let me see your thumbs" Joe says.

Niamh goes to lie Matthew down on the bed but he whines and clings to her top, "well shimmy over here and I'll show you" she says as she shows him while holding Matthew.

"That's weird" he says.

"Because I sucked it so much" she laughs.

Joe smirks and nods as he looks at Matthew he is asleep so Niamh lifts him up and takes him through to his room.

She comes back through to their room and sits up beside Joe and watches him look through his twitter feed.

"Anything interesting?" Niamh asks.

"No not really, just a whole load of tweets about Matthew" he says.

"That's lovely" Niamh says as she lies down.

"They are saying he's getting big and that he's cute and things" Joe smiles as he sets his phone down.

Niamh laughs and looks at him. "So" Joe smiles.

"What?" she laughs.

"How are you?" He asks as he strokes her knee.

"I'm okay thanks, and you?" she asks.

"Just okay?" he says.

Niamh nods and smiles happily. "Feel a bit down after todays tears but I'm good, so how's you?" she asks as she swiftly moves on hoping he won't dwell on it too much.

"Do you want a cuddle you cheer yourself up?" Joe smiles.

Niamh nods and smiles a little and Joe gives her a cuddle. "So tell me then, how are you?" She asks.

Joe strokes her knee "so how about we sort your confidence?" He smirks.

Niamh smile leaves her face, "erm okay" she stutters. Joe strokes behind her ear and smiles. "So what have you got in mind then?" she asks as she has no idea what to do.

He plays with her top and smirks. "Oh" she says as it clicks with her.

"Take your top of if you want" he smiles.

"I'm fine with my top on" she says.

"Fine, please yourself" he huffs.

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