A discussion

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Niamh calms Matthew down and heads upstairs, She finds Joe sitting at the top of the stairs.
She freezes on the stairs "how much of that did you hear?" Niamh says.

"All of it, and it was rather cute...I didn't know you thought about me like that" Joe sighs.

Niamh blushes and walks past "you can stay in here tonight... If you want, you don't have to stay on the sofa" Niamh says.

Joe doesn't say anything and so Niamh decides to sit down beside him at the top of the stairs with Matthew whos still crying.

She sits silently but she felt comfortable sitting with him. "I think Matthew wants a cuddle with his daddy" Niamh says to try and make conversation.

Joe looks at Niamh and takes Matthew off her, "What's all this mess your aunties done to mummy and daddy?" Joe says as he strokes Matthew's cheek.

Matthew grips Joe's finger and closes his eyes. "There we go, someones tired" he says.

Niamh nods and gets up, "coming?" She whispers. Joe nods and follows her into her room.

Joe settles Matthew and puts him down. "Can we talk Joe? I understand if you don't want to though, that's fine" Niamh says.

"I was just about to ask the same thing" he says as he comes and sits on the edge of the bed next to her.

"Do you... Like me?" She mumbles.

"What do you mean do I like you?" he asks confused.

"I mean do you want to be with me" Niamh says.

"Oh right, yes Niamhy I do, but what Chloe said was that true?" he sighs.

Niamh starts to cry again, "this whole things a mess" she says. Niamh looks down at her lap, "she must of heard me crying" Niamh says.

"But Niamh did I hurt you?" he asks.

She shakes her head "well if you count big a little too big as hurting me then well..." She mumbles.

Joes mouth drops and hes lost for words. "What?" She says.

"So I did hurt you?" he says, She shakes her head.

"Chloe took what I said the wrong way, not only have a fallen out with her, I've fallen out with my fiancé" she cries.

Joe strokes her knee, "I'm still talking to you right?" Joe says.

"I guess...but where does this leave us" Niamh cries hysterically.

"We have Matthew don't we? This isn't the end Niamh" Joe says as he strokes her cheek.

"I guess, I'll never be the same Joe, he's ruined me. You said you were leaving tomorrow what am I going to do on my own, I mean look at me" she cries as she pulls her kness up to her chest.

Joe looks at her "he's not ruined the woman I love... He's in a way made me love you more" Joe smiles.

"I'm fragile Joe" she cries.

Joe strokes her cheek "I love you Niamhy boo" Joe says, "I don't care how fragile you are... You have me Matthew and I would say that's rather strong to bring a baby into a world where anything could happen" Joe says.

Niamh starts to panic, "you said you were flying home tomorrow" she cries as she starts to get herself in a fluster.
Joe doesn't say anything.

"See you have nothing to say now" she cries as she is absolutely heart broken and in such a fluster.

"Niamh-" Joe says.

"Don't, just fly home yeah?" Niamh says as she climbs into bed.

"Wait Niamh" Joe says and she rolls over to face him.

"What is it?" she cries.

"Your not leaving me... I'm not allowing you to I love you" he says.

Niamh sits up, "you're the one that's leaving me" she says.

"I'm not, perhaps we just needs space?" He suggests.

"I don't know, but what I know is I'll not be able to look after Matthew without you...I don't even have Chloe anymore" she says hyperventalating.

"Oh my gosh I'm a single mother" she says as she hides her face.

She starts to cry even more and hyperventalate. "Hey hey hey breathe Niamhy, in... And out" he says as he rubs her back. She finally calms herself down, "now let's talk about this nice and calmly" he says as he takes her hand in his and strokes it,She looks at her lap.

"I am not leaving you" he says.

Niamh looks at him "your sure?" She says.

"I am more than sure, as I've said you and Matthew are all I need, some silly we arguement with your sister isn't going to put me down and ruin us...what we have is special and I love that" he says.

"Even if I can't..?" She mutters.

"That doesn't matter Niamhy boo, I don't just love you for the sex" he says.

She nods "I mean that's what makes a relationship right... Sex?..." She mumbles.

"For some people yes, but not for me" Joe says.

Niamh looks at him "I love you so much" she cries.

"Oh Niamhy darling, I love you too" he says.

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