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Joe has been at work all day and Niamh's been at home with Matthew who's got a cold again and he's really clingy again. "Oh dear, is mummy's boy poorly again" Niamh coos as she cradles him in her arms.

Matthew wriggles in her arms and drops off to sleep again. She sets him down in his moses basket and turns the TV on but down low. Niamh looks over at Matthew as she can hear him breathing heavy, "oh baby" she whispers.
"Your very chesty aren't you" Niamh says. She gets up and goes to the kitchen as she knows she has some chest rub for him which should clear his air ways.

She comes back and checks her phone to see a text from Joe, 'How's Matthew? X' it reads.

'Really chesty and sleepy X' Niamh replies.

'Oh dear, hows you? X' he asks.

'I'm rather tired' she replies.

'Go to sleep while he's down X' Joe says.

'Okay X' she replies.

'See you later babe Xx' he replies.

Niamh puts her phone down and lies down on the sofa. She looks down at Matthew until she finds herself dropping off to sleep.

She falls to sleep pretty quickly. Both Matthew and Niamh sleep for a good solid two hours, Niamh wakes up to Matthew whimpering.

She lifts him up as he starts to cough again, "oh dear sunshine" she says, She rubs his back "it's okay" Niamh says.

He sneezes a little, "oh my goodness" she says, Matthew whimpers and Niamh bounces him a little.

"Oh it's okay baby" she says, He starts to cry rather loudly. "Oh its okay" Niamh sighs.

Her head starts to bang and she sighs and sits down. Matthew starts to pull at Niamh's top, "are you hungry?" she says.

She pulls her top up and starts to sort him, "Your hungry aren't you" she says as he does seem rather hungry so She starts to feed him.

She strokes his cheek while she feeds him, Just as she sits back Joe comes in. "Oh hi, you're home a bit early" she smiles.

"Yeah we were ahead of schedule" he smiles.

"Oh I see" she says.

"How's he doing?" Joe says as he sits down next to her.

"He's still very chesty" she says.

"You can hear him" he says.

"I know, it's not good" she sighs.

"Keep an eye on him, if he gets any worse I guess we should take him to the doctors" he says.

"Yeah I was thinking that too" she says. Joe leans against Niamh and kisses her shoulder. "How are you?" she asks.

"I'm good how about you" Joe smiles.

"Tired just" she says.

Joe smiles and kisses her cheek "are you sure you seem pretty pale" he says.

"Yeah I'm just sleep deprived" she giggles.

"If you want go to bed for a few hours" Joe says.

"No it's okay...I'll be fine" she assures him.

Joe side hugs her and smiles as he watches Matthew feed. "How was work?" she asks.

"All the same, Raf got a mysterious call from Cara today" Joe smiles.

"Ooh really" she smiles.
Joe nods as Niamh moves Matthew away and starts to burp him, "Daddy's home to see you" Niamh coos as she sits him up to face Joe. Matthew looks at Joe really sleepy.

"Want to have cuddles with daddy while mummy goes to the toilet?" Niamh says. Matthew looks at them both really sleepy and Niamh passes Joe to Matthew.

Niamh smiles as she gets up and heads to the downstairs bathroom. "Aw look at those cheeks, you're rather pale" he coos, Matthew brings up a little smile and closes his eyes.

"Oh are you sleepy again" Joe coos as he lays him down on his chest, Matthew burps and brings a little more milk up.

Matthew stars to drop off to sleep, Niamh comes back, "oh you're sleepy again aren't you" she says.

Niamh sits next to Joe and grabs her phone. She flicks through some facebook and twitter feed, "Joe?" Niamh says a little nervously.

"Yes, what's wrong?" he asks.

"What's with all these tweets?" She says.

"What do you mean all these tweets? What tweets?" he asks.

She looks down and reads it out "this is to you but I'm tagged, it says ' @MrJoeMcFadden do you and @NiamhAWalsh go out or something? And there's ones saying ...'@NiamhAWalsh are you and @MrJoeMcFadden getting married?'

Niamh looks up at Joe in shock, "What?" he asks.

"Niamh you aren't making any sense?" Joe says as he puts Matthew down in his Moses basket.

"Someone's found my Facebook" she says in shock. "Look there's a screenshot of my page" she says.

"It could be a fake" he says.

"No it can't be look Matthew is my cover photo" Niamh says.

"Who is the person anyway? A fan?" he asks.

She nods as she feels like her whole life has just been invaded. "What does the tweet say?" he asks.

"We're not directly tagged in it but it says 'look what I've found, the rumours are true Niamh's seeing Joe' and this one says 'I bet her baby is Joe's'" Niamh says.

"Aren't your settings private?" he asks.

She nods and passes him her phone. "How they hell did they find you then?" he asks.

She shrugs as she bites her lip."I'm sorry Joe" she says a little worried with what he might say.

"I don't know what to say" Joe says.

"Please say something" she says.

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