There we go

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"There darling, it's okay" Niamh soothes as she rubs his back. Matthew continues to cry as the gets to the lounge where Barbara is.
"Mum do you have any cream for heat rash?" Niamh asks as Matthew continues to whimper.

Barbara stands up out of her arm chair and looks over at Brian who's reading a newspaper. "Hang on a sec and I'll look" she says.

Niamh nods and bounces Matthew a little, "shh shh Matthew it's okay mummy's got you" Niamh soothes.

"Oh bless him" Barbara says.
Niamh bounces Matthew around but Matthew continues to cry.

"Oh baby" Niamh coos.

"I don't have anything I'm afraid" Barbara says.

"Oh gosh" Niamh sighs as she looks at Joe.

"Someone really isn't happy" Barbara says.

"I know, I'm not too sure what to do" Niamh sighs.

"Hey Pumpkin don't worry want me to have him for a bit?" Barbara says as Niamh starts to get a little worked up.

"Yes please mum" Niamh says as she starts to cry again.

"Don't cry Niamh" Barbara says.

She passes Matthew to Barbara and Joe goes to pull her into a hug hoping she'll let him. Niamh hugs him tightly, "why can't I get him to stop" Niamh cries.

"He's just agitated at the moment, it's not your fault Niamhy" he says.

Niamh buries her head into his chest, "I'm hopeless" she mutters.

"You're tired that's all, lets talk upstairs yeah?" Joe asks and Niamh nods.
Joe holds Niamh hand and takes Matthew off Barbara as he's fallen asleep again.

"There I think he was too warm that's all" Barbara says.

Niamh nods "night mum, night dad" Niamh says as Joe takes Matthew upstairs.

She follows him and watches as Joe gently places him in his Moses basket. Niamh gets back into bed and stares at the ring which is on the side. "Are you okay?" Joe asks.

She nods and looks picks the ring up.
"What's up?" he asks as he knows shes not okay.

"I-I don't know, I feel like I've lost something close to me" she says. Joe looks at her rather confused.

She looks up at him, "Please talk to me" Joe says as he takes her hand.

"I feel like I've lost you but your right next to me" Niamh says.

"You haven't lost me at all babe" he says.

Niamh looks up at him "are you sure?" She mumbles.

"I promise" he says as he pulls her into a hug.

Joe looks down between them and watches her slowly put the ring back on. Joe holds her hand and helps her put it on, "there we go" he smiles.

Niamh's heart does a little flutter as Joe puts it on "I love you" he mutters. "Nothing will ever...and I mean ever, change the way I feel about you Niamh" he says.

Niamh smiles at him and kisses him, "I'm sorry" she whispers as he kisses his before resting her forehead against Joe's forehead.

"I'm sorry too" he says.
He kisses her again and smiles happily at her. "You'll make up with Chloe for me won't you?" he asks.

She nods and lies down and pulls the cover over herself. "Go to sleep you seem exhausted, I really enjoyed tonight except for the little misunderstandings" Joe says as he drapes his hand around her waist and kisses her cheek before drifting off o sleep himself.

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