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Joe smirks to himself as they go into a shop and look around. "Awk look isn't this so sweet?" Niamh says as she points out a few things.

He nods and smiles as shopping really isn't his thing. "You think everythings lovely" Niamh says as she rolls her eyes.

"Well to be honest this top is rather sweet" Joe says as he lifts a little polo shirt up.

"Aw it is rather cute" Niamh smiles.

Joe smirks and holds the tops up to himself "Niamh" he says as he gets her attention. She turns around and looks at him "blue... Or green?" He smiles.

"Blue, I like baby blue on him" she smiles.

Joe smiles "blue it is then" he places the top in a basket and they continue to look around.

"Do you know if we need nappies or cream or anything like that?" she asks.

He thinks to himself while looking down at Matthew who's now wide awake yet sprawled out in the pram, "nappies, he might need the next size up, the new born ones seem tight around his legs" Joe says.

"Chubby" Niamh giggles.

"Yes he's a little chubby monster" Joe smiles.

"Like his daddy" Niamh teases.

Joe frowns at her "well I'm not saying anything about his mummy then" he smirks.

"What about cream?" Niamh asks.

"Plenty" Joe replies.

Niamh nods and looks around more, Matthew stares up at Niamh as they go around the shops as he recognises her voice.

"Hello you" Niamh says he wriggles a little in the pram. Matthew stares up at Niamh and gives her a really cheeky smile which she's never seen him do before. "What are you at you wee rascal?" Niamh smiles as Joe pretends he's interested and looks at some clothes. "Is daddy pretending like he's really into clothes shopping, is he?" Niamh coos.
Matthew gurgles a little which makes Niamh smile, "find anything else nice for him?" Niamh asks Joe.

"There's a few shorts here" Joe says.

"Good idea, so he's not always just in his nappy" Niamh says.

Niamh looks at a few shorts before picking three of the ones she really likes. "Right I think we've got enough for you mr" Niamh says as they have nearly got a basket full.

They go and pay and Matthew lays there in his pram with his eyes locked on Niamh. "I think mum is going shopping later, so I'll get her to get him nappies" Niamh smiles as she pays for the things.

Joe nods and stands watching Matthew. "He's such a mummy's boy" Joe says as they head out.

"What makes you say that?" Niamh smiles.

"He has his eyes glued to you" Joe says as he points to him.

Niamh smiles as Matthew watches her with his one eye open. "When we get home I'm nipping back out for a bit to get something" Niamh says, Joe nods and offers to push the pram.

"Would you? I'm too warm" Niamh says and Joe nods happily.

He takes the pram and pushes it, "fancy going for a drink babe?" Joe questions.

"Why not? How about the Café up the road a little near the house?" Niamh suggests, Joe nods as he's dying for a drink.

They grab a table in the shade for Matthew and Niamh gets him out of the pram. Matthew starts to whimper, "oh Matty" Niamh says as she tries to sooth him and find his bottle at the same time.

"Here we go daddy's got you nice and cooly water" Niamh says as she holds the teet to his mouth.
Matthew starts to drink it before letting out a really loud cry.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay darling" Niamh says as she lies him on her chest and over her shoulder, she rubs his back.

Joe comes back over to them with their drinks "oh dear someone isn't happy" he smiles.

"Don't know what has come over him" Niamh says as she lies him in her arms again and tries again with the bottle of water.

He drinks some more before getting really agitated again.  "Shush wee man it's alright" Niamh says as she drinks her drink with her free hand.

Joe watches Niamh, "let me have him for a minute" Joe says.

Niamh passes him to Joe, "oh what's wrong darling?" Joe coos as he reaches for the bottle from Niamh.

Matthew starts to calm a little. "Magic" Joe winks to Niamh as he gets him to drink the water too.

"Daddy's boy" Niamh smiles.

"Still think he's a mummy's boy" Joe says.

Niamh smiles and watches Joe with him, "he's only a fan of me because of my breasts" she smirks. Joe laughs at Niamh before drinking his drink with his free hand.
Matthew soon falls asleep, "Good job daddy" Niamh smiles as she takes him off Joe and puts him back down in the pram.

Niamh pulls the sun blanket over the pram and smiles at Joe. "He is a daddy's boy by far" Niamh giggles.

Joe smiles and strokes Niamh's knee.  "So what's the plan for tonight then?" Joe smiles.

"We go home, give Matthew to mum and then we could come down here again?" She questions.

"Sounds like a plan" he smiles.

"We could take off where we left it the other night if you fancy!?" Niamh whispers.

"Only if you're comfortable with it" Joe says. She nods and smiles even though she is rather nervous inside.

"Can we go to the beach for a bit aswell?" Joe asks as he's rather nervous for tonight also.

Niamh laughs and nods "of course"

"Right okay good" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles at Joe and they finish their drinks before heading home. "I'll ask Chloe when were home could she look after Chloe for us" Niamh smiles.

Joe nods as he pushes the pram  "Joe babe your sweating" Niamh laughs.

"So I am" Joe laughs as he wipes the sweat away, they arrive back home and Niamh goes for a shower.
Joe goes in after her, "babe I'll be back in a bit just going to get something" Niamh smiles before he goes for a shower. Niamh nods and she heads into the lounge.

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