Chapter Twenty: She's gone!!

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Chapter Twenty: She’s gone!!!

Jack had the mad man on the phone with him when he heard a sudden click. He put a trace on the number and came up with Anthony Rigetolli. He looked through his basic information and froze when he saw that the man was a gym teacher at the high school Candy and Sam attended. He searched through his memory; for he had a nagging feeling, he knew the name. And then it hit him. He heard  the name at Ethan and Candy’s wedding. The man was the best man. Thinking back to that night did not help Jack with his conscience. That was the night, he had first broken Sam’s young heart. And here he was again, all alone, when he damn well knew he could be with her, if he wanted to.

Pushing that all aside, he picked up the phone and called his sergeant and reported what he had found. He was promptly told it was not enough for a search warrant. Slamming the phone down in frustration, Jack then called Ethan. The phone went directly to voice mail. Starting to panic, he called Candy.

“Hello,” Candy said.

“Candy! It’s me, Jack. Is Sam with you, I think she may be in danger? I have a creepy feeling, and I think I just may have found her mother’s killer.”

“We are at dinner. She just went to the bathroom. Actually she has been gone for a while. And where’s Tony?”

Tony? Did she just say Tony?

“Tony, as in Anthony Rigetolli?”

“Yes. We are having dinner together. However, they both seem to be missing.”

Oh, God! Sam must have heard him call Tony and the rest is pretty self-explanatory.

“Jesus. Candy, Sam is in trouble. Tony is the killer! Send Ethan to check the restroom. I’m on my way!”

“Oh, God, Jack! This cannot be happening again! Hurry please. No... Ethan... Tony is the killer... Yes, we’re sure…”

Jack stayed on the phone as he entered his car and drove for broke. There were a lot of heavy breathing and cursing.

“Jack. Jack. I found her purse on the lady’s room floor. However, she is not here! Oh, God. The window is open. Let me see if I can. Oh, no. A piece of her dress was torn and on a hook near the window. Jack, she’s gone!”

And with that Jack’s heart stopped beating within his chest as he listened to Candy's cry for all she was worth. He felt as if his whole world had stopped. It could be possible that the man took her now dead body to ditch it somewhere. If Tony could kill once he could kill again!

“Candy, calm down and tell me where he lives!”

Ethan was apparently handed the phone, because his startled voice was now on the line.

“He lives on Glenn Avenue and New Harbor. Oh, Jack what do you want us to do?”

“Go to the police station, they can keep you safe. For now, I am going to find, Sam.”

He disconnected the call and pitched his siren. He had to get to her. He had to see her. He could not imagine this life without her. He had felt this way before, but to not this extent. He had been devastated when his first wife died, but this felt crushing, debilitating. He was ready to bargain with a God; hewas unsure was actual. He was prepared to go out of his mind, and he knew why. He cared for her more than he would allow himself to feel.

He thought of her smile and of her hair. He thought of her voice and of her body. He loved the way she moved. He loved the way she spoke. Hell he even loved her burlesque show.

Which meant that he loved the girl.

The thought filled his soul and sang through his heart. He had finally allowed himself to love again, and it was strong, a beacon in the dead of night. She dragged him out of his cave and stripped him bare and taught him how to love again, and now some bastard very well may have killed her before he confessed to her!

“No, I won’t allow it,” he said to himself.

There was no way that his Sam was dead. Not when he loved her so much!

He came to the house and slammed his brakes. He drew his weapon as he got out of the car and walked slowly to the front door. The house was dark and void of life, but that could have meant anything. The creep could be holding her up in the basement.

He tried the door knob and was not surprised to find it locked.

Jack looked around the exterior and saw no other way then to break the glass on the door.

Using his elbow he broke through and reached in and found the bolt. He immediately opened it and held little care to the fact that he did not have a warrant. He could lose his job and his home, but he could not lose Sam.    

He began to scan the home, gun out in front of him. He felt the familiar tug of continued disappointment as he checked one room to another.

At the end of his search, he cursed. She wasn’t here!

“I see you’re awake.”

Sam looked to the voice and winced when a light came on. She blinked a few times to adjust her eyes to the room and realized she was in a hotel room.

The furnishings were sparse and the room seedy. She grimaced at the taste of cloth within her mouth. She looked and noticed she was tied down to the bed frame. Luckily, her clothes were still on.

“If I take your gag off will you stay quiet?” he asked.

Nodding her head to agree to anything that would free her mouth, she waited as he slipped the knot apart.

“Where are we,” she was able to say.

“Somewhere that was very special to your mother and I.”

Feeling unease seep into her body, she just stared at him.

“You look very much like her, you know?”

“You said that at the restaurant before you put me to sleep.”

“I did, didn’t I? Well, it’s true. You look just like her. I loved her, you know.”

“What happed?” Sam asked carefully.

“What happened?”

She nodded her head, she was too afraid to speak again. This man had murdered her mother and framed her father.

He smiled at her and shook his head.

“No. We won’t be talking about that, not just yet. I want to talk about you, Sam.”

She did not understand what he was asking.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to know about your childhood. I want to know how your mother was as a mom. I want to know if her relationship was as bad as she claimed with your father. That’s what I want to know,” he explained.

Sam felt a shudder move through her. This man was as nutty as Paul! She was in trouble and she needed help.

“My childhood was like any other. I do remember my parents being happy at one point, but all that changed a few years ago.”

“In what way?” he asked.

Not wanting to tell him the truth that she felt her mother was starting to have her affairs, she answered, “She became bored with my father. I think she started to cheat when she finally met you. It must have been at Candy and Ethan’s wedding, correct?”

Tony shook his head and said, “I remember that night as if it was last night. I saw your mother move along in your father’s arms. I knew I had to have her. She was older than me sure, but she was amazing. I gave her my number that night, and we started seeing one another.”

Feeling nausea rise within her throat, Sam said nothing.

She watched as he sat on the bed next to her. She shifted as much as she could when his hip bumped hers. He then leaned over and placed his fingers on her cheek.

He looked deeply into her eyes and said again, “You look just like her, you know?”

I apologize it took me so long to update! I have had three contracted books to write, and this is the very first moment I have had away from them. Please comment!! Thank you. If you would like to follow me on Facebook just type in Author Aubrey Brown.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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Arresting Love (A Sequel to 'A Bite of Candy Apple' ; Sam's Forbidden Love)Where stories live. Discover now