Chapter Two: Sam Has New Digs

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Chapter Two: Sam Has New Digs.

She was picked up at the airport by her new driver; his was an older gentleman by the name of Peter Grant.

“My name is Peter Grant, but everyone calls me Pete,” he said with a very thick New Jersey accent.

“It is nice to meet you, Pete. I’m Samantha Cooper, but everyone calls me Sam; I don’t like to stand on ceremony, Pete,” she said.

“Sam it is then; I will take you anywhere you wish to go at any time, Sam.”

“Thank you, Pete, just my new apartment for now please.”

They made their way through traffic; Sam took in her surroundings and decided California was busy, but New York was impossible to navigate.

Car’s and people filled the streets; bright lights and excitement charged the air. Advertisements for the newest broad way plays were displayed along with half-naked models. It was wonderful. Sam could already feel herself changing a little inside. A new girl in a new city, she was bound to meet unknown people and experience unfamiliar things.

The car pulled into a very exclusive garage and was admitted after they were buzzed in. Pete dropped her off at the elevator that would lead her up to her parent’s private first-floor apartment.

One Month Ago

“Sam, the elevator will take you to the top floor, by using your thumb print. It will only go to the first floor; it is a private elevator,” her father had told her.

She was given specific instructions to aid in her ability to use the elevator properly.


The driver waited as Sam pressed her thumb to the console. The doors immediately opened and admitted her. She waved good-bye to Pete as they closed. Sam held her breath as the elevator accelerated upwards. She absolutely hated the feeling of traveling inside elevators. It was even worse when she descended inside them, her stomach would always jump into her throat. Sam looked at her reflection in the mirror and let her breath escape; she looked like complete crap.

Her eyes were blood shot red; her nose looked as if she had a severe cold, her dull hair was a complete mess; she looked thinner than normal, and that was very bad; she was extremely slight as it was, and finally, her clothing now hung on her.

Sam felt defeat slowly creeping into her heart; the school year was to start in a few days, and already she felt like a failure. After everything she had been through, it was expected, but Officer Riggs helped her through most of her heart aches. All of his advice was apt and made her feel extremely better. However, in the end, all of her heart ache was centered on him. And she hated that fact.

The doors rushed open to admit her into the biggest apartment she had ever seen. It was twenty-five hundred square feet of luxury. The main colors were pristine white and cream; the furniture was of the same color; antiques dominated the room, while the walls were absent of any familial pictures. Chandeliers were placed in every room as well as her mother’s addiction to beautiful clocks.

Arresting Love (A Sequel to 'A Bite of Candy Apple' ; Sam's Forbidden Love)Where stories live. Discover now